Example sentences of "[pron] stood for [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This done , I stood for a moment looking across at the broch islet .
2 I stood for a moment looking at the mattress on the bed where a knife had been used to open up the sides .
3 Dad Tam : " You promise me you will never tell anybody " til " am deed that I stood for the man who made that statue . "
4 When er I stood for the election of the national organizers for the East of Scotland and I was successful there and I left the Edinburgh branch in May nineteen sixty six to start work with the head office in nine May nineteen sixty six .
5 And then every year after that , they used to hold the one minute 's silence which the mill whistles went and of course you stood for a minute and then they went again and that was it over .
6 She was still sick at heart when she passed down through the last glade and found herself staring at the Lodge 's covert thatch , its closed door , She stood for a time in the yard outside , afraid to enter .
7 She stood for a moment on the other side of the room , sizing me up ( and me sizing her up ) , and then she came over to speak to me .
8 Dalgliesh waited until Meg had unlocked the front door and stepped inside before saying his final goodnight , and she stood for a moment watching his tall figure striding down the gravel path and into the darkness .
9 She stood for a moment , her eyes closed , trying to collect her thoughts , while she struggled to put on her gloves .
10 She stood for a moment behind the thick black curtain , unwilling to pull it aside .
11 It was something that had never happened before and she stood for a moment trying to control the thoughts that raced through her head .
12 She stood for a moment staring round at the flickering shadows thrown by the lone candle , the fire had died long since and the room was cold and suddenly lonely .
13 She stood for a moment looking at them , and saw how their heads were tilted in the listening attitudes of forest creatures , how their ears were pricked , and how their eyes were bright and intelligent .
14 She stood for a moment with her head on one side , listening intently .
15 She stood for a moment , looking round her , waiting for the onrush of some emotion — nostalgia , maybe , or regret .
16 She stood for a moment beside Melissa , looking up at the portrait .
17 Valerie Stevens had been in the house to get more coffee and as she stepped through the patio doors she stood for a moment staring at Rachel in horror , having only heard the last part of the conversation .
18 Sophie nodded as she cleaned up the wound , then , after giving an injection of antibiotic , she stood for a moment in thought .
19 ‘ Personal self-denial for the good of others was the first important lesson Annie learned , ’ says Taylor , ‘ and it was a principle by which she stood for the rest of her life . ’
20 He also claimed his party would ‘ kick-start ’ the Mike Potter , who stood for the SDP in the 1989 Richmond by-election , said he would n't be standing in the forthcoming general Labour 's Tony Blair , Tory Michael Fallon and Lib Dem 's Alan Beith clashed in a live TV debate over the NHS .
21 He denounced the old religion as the Lie and called on men to worship the deity whom he called Ahura Mazdah , the wise Lord , who stood for the Truth .
22 When we reached home , we stood for a moment beside the tree near my gate .
23 I opened it and we stood for a moment , rain driving down hard .
24 We stood for the hymn , sat for the Bible reading , knelt for the prayers .
25 He took off his glasses and put his arms around her waist , and they stood for a while facing one another .
26 They stood for a moment regarding it , then Meg Dennison said : ‘ When I first came here from London it almost frightened me , the sheer size of it , the way it dominates the headland .
27 Here they stood for a moment , looking round .
28 It stood for the whole of Hoggatt 's Lab .
29 Although only twenty-two houses were represented the syndicat recognised that it stood for the rights of some sixty Champagne houses , virtually the entire trade at the time .
30 He stood for a while staring at them .
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