Example sentences of "[pron] along [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Collecting together the bulky bags , she had to half drag them along to the exit because they were far too unwieldy for a mere five-foot-one individual to carry .
2 Y'know you a you 're going along and they 'll say group , and you write therapy or something y'know and you 've done it and you think whoops and you just hope , and the worst thing is when they say Smith and Jones and you put seventy nine in and you think , shit and y'know they get the thing slightly wrong Draw up a revision plan , pick out the topics that you 're going to revise Any problems , bring them along to the seminar .
3 Having heard the account of her recapture and the sadistic reprisal inflicted on Pam , they were doubly eager to have another go at the sect heavies , and had recruited a further six of their own mates and invited them along to the party .
4 If you have you could perhaps use them along with the video text as a package grouped around a theme .
5 French aplomb was to the fore as Auguste handed the crab to them along with the hook , raised his new Panama hat and bade them a courteous farewell .
6 ’ And all the activities for the children that one can attend — sports days , Christmas parties , the Mod — you can get involved in them along with the children .
7 They followed , Adam first , and Fand led them along by the stream .
8 Good thing you brought me along with the baggage , you know .
9 The old gentleman who was the owner of the shop encouraged me and helped me along into the business .
10 It just started from there and Michael said he liked the way I played and that he would help me along in the industry , and this was just before his career hit .
11 Much to my shame I knew nothing of the Cambrian Railways as most of my interest up to then had been in the Southern Railways and to a greater extent industrial railways , and so decided that much research was necessary , which along with the commencement of renovations will form part of our next episode : - ‘ A NEW STATION IN LIFE ’ .
12 There is an organic garden and tree nursery , which along with the farm , are valuable areas both for schoolchildren and adults .
13 In an instant he had vaulted over the side of their car and had begun swinging himself along towards the head of the train and the car occupied by Lord Woodleigh and Jilly Jonathan .
14 A legless beggar pulled himself along through the slush on wooden slats .
15 Sembene Ousmane is a story-teller and a skilful writer who can carry you along with the drama and the atmosphere regardless of subject .
16 She was not quite sure what all of them — she along with the rest — were laughing about ; but there they were , rolling about with mirth , and Herbert Fraser looking as pleased as Punch .
17 William Laud , who along with the king directed ecclesiastical policy throughout the 1630s , had little interest in the struggles of his beleaguered co-religionists on the continent , and was far more concerned that money be raised for the repair of St Paul 's Cathedral in London than for the relief of Calvinist refugees from the Palatinate .
18 In the mythology of modern soccer , the ‘ scout ’ , an expert in a shabby raincoat has been replaced by the more avaricious figure of the ‘ agent ’ , the character with the car-phone who along with the club chairman has become the financial ‘ Lucifer ’ of football .
19 Granny 's taking a tiny one along to the kitchen .
20 And a there was a domestic one in each group there was one along near the baths in among the thirteen , and there was another white one near Old Gate Bridge .
21 We along with the rest of Paris , found one that was open .
22 More than anything , she remembered her feeling of helplessness , the total loss of control , as Joe had dragged her along toward the station .
23 He had carried her along on the groundswell of his own forceful personality , but now that the ride was over she had time to wonder if she 'd done the right thing .
24 Panic-stricken , she tried to pull her arm out of his , but her companion ignored her struggles , saying , ‘ Come on , ducks , no need to bovver ourselves with supper ; let's ‘ ave our bit of fun first , ’ and pulled her along into the alley where Dr Neil had found her .
25 Lek , the thirty-year-old maid installed for her along with the furniture by the Committee , telling her about the nine children and the mother up-country she supports and whom she rarely sees .
26 I suggested she get your father to bring her along to the Rosemount wing in the next day or so , so she can see for herself . ’
27 He glared at her as he dragged her along by the hand at top speed .
28 Or were you just stringing him along for the fun of it ? ’
29 Taking him along to the Daniel Rouah Barber Shop in Baker St. , London .
30 We decided it was time to do something about that , so we took him along to the vet .
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