Example sentences of "[pron] feet and [verb] him " in BNC.

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1 Vi jumped to her feet and followed him to the door of the church , wincing in the sweet , cold air .
2 She felt like jumping to her feet and asking him to leave instantly .
3 He stared back and , blushing with confusion , she rose to her feet and gave him a little bob .
4 She sprang nimbly to her feet and approached him , her hands thrust into the pockets of her baggy camouflage pants .
5 ‘ Thank you , that was very good of you , ’ she murmured politely , but , feeling intimidated suddenly — or was that her guilty conscience again at work , she got to her feet and handed him the proof that she was who she said she was .
6 Ruth shot to her feet and faced him across the table .
7 By 8.45am I 've picked out his feet and brushed him off , mucked out , prepared hay , water and evening feed and left them ready .
8 Before he had fully recovered , Christian hauled him to his feet and dragged him away from his groaning adversary .
9 The second hit him in the right shoulder , the impact lifting him off his feet and sending him toppling towards the head of the stairs .
10 ‘ Alan 's tackle on Emyr Lewis at the start of the game , lifting him off his feet and sending him crashing down , was just what we needed to lift us ’ said Ruddock .
11 The door shot open , knocking Bill from his feet and sending him sprawling across the sidewalk .
12 It was Blackberry who bullied the stupefied Pipkin to his feet and forced him to limp the few yards to the gravel spit .
13 Despite his terror of darkness and subterranean places , he wanted the ground to open at his feet and swallow him into its blackest hole .
14 He loosened the gyves , dragged Corbett to his feet and bundled him through the door , along the passage and up the steps into the pure , dear air .
15 Plummer bellowed , watching gloomily as a body punch brought down his fighter 's guard and a thunderous uppercut lifted him off his feet and sent him crashing to the canvas .
16 His return fire lifted Weaver off his feet and flung him two yards backwards , to sprawl at Bodie 's feet as Bodie came racing through the side garden .
17 ‘ Get him on his feet and walk him up and down .
18 They stood him on his feet and punched him mercilessly until he fell to the ground .
19 There was no shelter to make for , anywhere on the long , wide ridge , and the heather and the little bushes would tangle his feet and trip him as soon as he strayed from the straight path .
20 Whitlock sprung to his feet and caught him on the side of the head with a stinging haymaker then followed up with two brutal body punches that dropped him to his knees .
21 The blast took the oriental in the right shoulder , knocked him off his feet and hurled him clear across the room , where he crashed to a stop with his head and shoulders propped against the far wall .
22 There were certain crescendos when a particularly macho spectator would sweep a Bisu off his feet and kiss him furiously before roughly throwing him back into the circle again .
23 With a cheery wave he left them , and Kathleen helped the man to his feet and put him in a wheelchair .
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