Example sentences of "[pron] goes [adv prt] in a " in BNC.

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1 And it goes out in a blaze of colour — a spectacular firework display which starts at 6.45pm and goes on into the night .
2 and er , he said if he 's not better , any better when he goes back in a fortnight he 's gon na send him to a chest specialist , but you 've been a lot better have n't you ?
3 The observer 's task is then to observe what goes on in a classroom and , every three seconds , to tick the category that best describes what has been happening during that period .
4 Never know what goes on in a nutter 's mind .
5 The local nicks at Penzance and St Ives must have some idea what goes on in a set-up like that on their doorsteps . ’
6 Well that does n't show any er expertise in what goes on in a solicitor 's office at all .
7 I think especially in the , in the hotel project it 's useful to have a little bar chart saying this is what goes on in a bathroom .
8 ’ We ca n't attend their committee meetings which is where all the real decisions are made , and we ca n't get information about what goes on in a committee meeting .
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