Example sentences of "[pron] put [pers pn] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 but I put him on some medicine I got from the chemist and it seems to have calmed it down but his nose is more er hot and cold
2 I believed I put them to good use against Pakistan .
3 ‘ Yes , I put them on one side for you .
4 They arrived after practice , but , like a fool , I put them on untried for the race .
5 I 'm not numerically dys dyslexic by the way , I put them in that order for , for a reason .
6 us two , we do n't use many , so I made , I made quiches , I put them in raw in the freezer , you know ready just to cook
7 Yes , I did , I put it on that way
8 Well I put it on early and then somebody will have to come .
9 The tent-pole bag was torn , so I put it on one side with the sewing kit .
10 ‘ I have n't played guitar synth live for a long time , but what I use is a Photon MIDI converter , which I actually got about two weeks ago ; I put it on one of my Steinberger guitars .
11 He said I know I put it on full power .
12 I put it on this morning he did n't like it .
13 I put it with other money I had and part exchanged my irons for a full set of top quality blades which had been in a sale after that my game improved immensely I got my handicap by putting in three cards two terrible scores of 86 and the good card which was 72 my handicap was then 15 I played in a junior competition and came third in the lower handicap section a week later and played in a medal and came down to a handicap of 14 .
14 I put it to this hundred , would you spend two thousand pounds on having a tummy tuck if your tummy needing tucking ? ,
15 I ca n't agree a solution with our officers that is acceptable to the residents I represent and I put it to this council to try and get something done about it and all I get from the chairman of the committee is the officer 's comments pushed back down my throat .
16 And he said , ‘ Well , we had this Tremolux amp and I put it through this compressor . ’
17 Well because I put it in that book .
18 I know we bought some meat in , you know , thank you , it 's very light I put it in this way .
19 I put it in inverted commas , because many of us just do different kinds of non-waged work at the weekends , or work at providing leisure facilities .
20 It was too bad of me , I knew she would do the decent thing if I put it like that .
21 you do that , I put it like that
22 Yeah I could n't really help no , I thought to myself ooh my God , I put mine like that !
23 I put mine like this and that 's why it has n't stayed very well actually !
24 I count them put them into little money bags .
25 I said they would be noticed because you got a better response from people who put you in small groups feel there is less pressure on them .
26 You put them on those planning calendar pages .
27 If you put them to shallow they come up
28 ‘ If you put them under enough pressure , if you run at them , they will crack , but I ca n't be too bolshie about it . ’
29 You got the band and you put them like that , and you twisted it round , did that and then it was a long band you see .
30 Oh yes you had er the the stooks you had I think ten in a stook You had five five sheaves at each side you put them like that , five you
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