Example sentences of "[pron] does not seem to " in BNC.

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1 Richards created a method of defining vessel shape ( 1982 ) using a fixed set of rules ; the profile of vessels is recorded and normalised to a standard height , a parameter which does not seem to be relevant to the definition of forms .
2 We wish to express concern about the above scheme which does not seem to be compatible with the environmental principles adopted by the European Community over recent years .
3 About mysticism he says , ‘ While its theories seem to me to be mistaken , I yet believe that by sufficient restraint , there is an element of wisdom to be learned from the mystical way of feeling , which does not seem to be attainable in any other manner .
4 Erm but what we would say at this stage , is that there does n't seem any rationale behind the discounts that have been applied by by the County Council , indeed we have a situation in Hambleton district , where there is a seventy percent discount , erm which does n't seem to us to have been explained or justified .
5 It seems to me that the new settlement if my analysis is correct can only be in one of those two areas , which does n't seem to me to be a very sensible way of proceeding .
6 Plate descent itself does not seem to be a major factor as isostatic rebound does not appear to occur after subduction has stopped .
7 Furthermore she does n't seem to be the least bit worried .
8 And I think erm nan 's er , we ca n't get her in yet , she does n't seem to be in .
9 On the other hand , the required energy coupling capacitors cause problems and can be expensive at higher current levels , and there does not seem to be any proof that there is a volume , weight , or cost saving over the standard Buck topology for any given equivalent performance level .
10 THERE does not seem to be much good news about for any bulls in the advertising agency sector .
11 Press response If there does not seem to be any response to your press release , do not be afraid to follow it up with a telephone call .
12 In this sense , while its practical effects would demand close supervision , and while the evidence for it is all late , there does not seem to be any particular reason why the classical jurists should not have admitted it .
13 There does not seem to be this intense aggression in my aquarium , obviously the size of the tank does give quite a lot of room for manoeuvre , but as I said earlier , as I add more Emperors , a close watch will have to be kept on them .
14 ‘ I was brought up to respect the police but there does not seem to be the respect any more .
15 And now that grammar is coming back into favour , there does not seem to be much in the way of reasoned argument for its return .
16 Yet there does not seem to be any end to the announcements of redundancies in major companies , which make the headlines and arouse general anxiety elsewhere .
17 There does not seem to be a constant period before illness develops , and in some people , infection estimated to have lasted for more than eight years has not resulted in illness .
18 More broadly , there does not seem to be one simple hierarchy of types of job ( running from the most unskilled and casual up to the most responsible and secure ) , rather there are a number of different labour markets , partitioned from each other , and some operating on a sort of grapevine .
19 Whilst certainly they may receive something in return , there does not seem to be a pressure to balance out the gifts .
20 Thus , there does not seem to be an absolute requirement for the MHC-linked proteasome subunits Lmp2 and Lmp7 .
21 As far as validation is concerned , there does not seem to be a lot to live up to .
22 ‘ It is a shame that we are being penalised for something which has been done by the football club , but there does not seem to be anything we can do about it .
23 So far there does not seem to be an equally well known guide on the responsibility of editors to authors and to referees .
24 But there does not seem to be any useful way of developing this idea by seeing people as containing equal quantities of any special substance , or equal degrees of any property .
25 For instance , to many researchers there does not seem to be a universal cause of depression : some depressions are due to lost love-objects ; some seem to be more constitutionally based .
26 There does not seem to me to be anything in the policy of the new Act which suggests that in this provision Parliament was intending to give those words a different meaning from those which they had been held to bear under the Act of 1914 .
27 From the long-term point of view , there does not seem to be any relationship between strike volume , on the one hand , and the level or terms of provision of government financial assistance to strikers .
28 Nevertheless , even taking the argument as it stands , there does not seem to be much evidence to support it .
29 However , there does not seem to be a simple connection between resistant rocks and incised meanders , as Blache has pointed to the fact that the lower Loire passing through Palaeozoic rocks does not meander , while the Seine has meanders in the Chalk of a greater size than those found in the Mississippi .
30 Example 91 , from Britten 's War Requiem , has a tenor recitative over a sustained chord of G minor ( first inversion ) : The tenor part is frequently in strong , discordant opposition to the accompaniment , but there does not seem to be any planned tonal scheme .
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