Example sentences of "[pron] in the [det] position " in BNC.

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1 Now he finds himself in the same position as his predecessor — a relative conservative whose time is past .
2 One day it could be you in the same position ’ .
3 To my personal embarrassment to the extent that I was a party to the majority of the decisions to which I have referred , I have to say that I think that this court again finds itself in the same position .
4 Shedding their skin puts them in the same position as Jane Austen 's heroes , prematurely aged by the treacherous sun of the West Indies . ’
5 It makes sense , therefore , if you are going to be a hero and dig a plot two spits deep , to know whether to ‘ double dig ’ ( reverse the spits ) or to ‘ bastard trench ’ ( leaving them in the same position ) .
6 The company is claiming damages against Mr Carr , and enough damages from AY to ‘ put it in the same position it would have been in if AY had done the work it contracted to do competently ’ .
7 If you or I were to mix mud and water and place it in the same position it would fall off .
8 Many refugees found themselves in the same position .
9 These were articulate people , perhaps better able to deal with the press and media than some other families who have found themselves in the same position .
10 If this view is correct , I can only conclude that I was saddled with both sets of anxieties and , in addition , that there are more and more adolescent girls today who are finding themselves in the same position .
11 As more people find themselves in the same position , men stop mocking each other for doing housework and mothers-in-law cease criticising their sons ' wives about going out to work .
12 If you do find yourself in the same position , however , please seek professional help from a member of the Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors without delay , as well as implementing the suggestions outlined here .
13 Helping an elderly parent through her sorrow can be a long , hard haul , but very rewarding in the end — not only in terms of her recovery , but also because , if you find yourself in the same position in later years , you will look back on this experience you shared with her and find that it has left you with a far deeper understanding of grief , and a greater confidence in the healing power of time to see you through your own period of adjustment to loss .
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