Example sentences of "[pron] one [prep] the best " in BNC.

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1 By mixing Redgra with shale , Oxford 's neighbours Swindon have made theirs one of the best tracks in the country .
2 Its one of the best four or five vintages of this century .
3 ’ We 'd all like to see less and less chemicals carried on the motorways , but unfortunately , it 's a fact of life that its one of the best ways for them to get the stuff around . ’
4 A taste of stalactite climbing at a more human level is provided by the sustained E1 5b of Arrampicatopitheque ( thankfully the climbing 's easier than the name ) to the left of Casamanche — itself one of the best 7bs .
5 The drooping snout and the torpedo-like body , coupled with big fins and muscles like Charles Atlas , make him one of the best , if not the best , fighting coarse fish .
6 MANCHESTER UNITED 's promising defender of the 1980s , Billy Garton , has handed Prescot striker Dave Massett a massive boost by calling him one of the best players in the Bass North West Counties League .
7 Thereafter it was continually in need of repair or subject to minor alteration until the Reformation , given a Lady Chapel for the cult of the Virgin in the later thirteenth century and , most obviously , a spire in the fifteenth century , making it one of the best landscape features of any medieval building , far less uniformly oppressive than Salisbury .
8 Only last year the four-star Tiroler Adler underwent an extensive renovation that made it one of the best hotels in Kirchberg .
9 Borage has star-shaped flowers of an intense blue rarely seen in other plants and these , together with its long-flowering tendency , ease of cultivation , and hardiness , make it one of the best garden plants .
10 Even now , I consider it one of the best machines ever made .
11 I like to think that I share a love of the World Service and an interest in it with Mr. Gorbachev , who gave it one of the best unsolicited testaments that anyone could when he said that while being held prisoner he heard about what was going on in the world by listening to the World Service .
12 Not only is he one of the best goalkeepers the country ever produced , but the only Scottish internationalist who can honestly claim he was involved in the mysterious case of the missing meat .
13 Was n't he one of the best postmen the GPO had ever had ?
14 Though it may never be possible fully to understand what converts a man to a religion , Eliot 's view of Baudelaire gives us one of the best guides to his own conversion to Christianity .
15 Elaine Moss , in her short article ‘ The ‘ Peppermint ’ lesson' ( 1986 ) has given us one of the best accounts of the happy marriage of the right reader with the right book .
16 About the exchange of bird species between closely adjacent islands Wallace noted : ‘ Birds offer us one of the best means of determining the law of distribution ; for though at first sight it would appear that the watery boundaries that kept out the land quadrupeds could be easily passed over by birds , yet practically it is not so ; for if we leave out the aquatic tribes ( seabirds ) which are preeminently wanderers , it is found that the others ( and especially the passeres , or perching birds , which form the vast majority ) are often as strictly limited by straits and arms of the sea as are quadrupeds themselves . ’
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