Example sentences of "[pron] can be described [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The resulting language varies from one author to another , but as written language it has many general features which can be described and analysed ( Perera , 1984 ) .
2 It is important to understand that it is never treatment in the abstract which can be described as ‘ extraordinary ’ , but only treatment in the context of the particular patient being cared for .
3 Many odours which can be described as ‘ disagreeable ’ and cause annoyance are a ‘ nuisance ’ in the ordinary meaning of the word .
4 The suppression of vice is therefore , Lord Devlin argues , just as important as the suppression of subversive activities , and just as it is impossible to point to an area of morality which should not be subject to the law , so there is no area of morality which can be described as ‘ private ’ .
5 This definition suggests that public law in a broad sense ( not confining ourselves to the law of judicial review ) concerns the activities of governmental bodies , by which we mean the legislature , the departments of central government and the very large number of bodies and agencies which can be described as offshoots of these departments ( these are often called ‘ fringe bodies ’ ) , courts and tribunals , local government , and , perhaps , the police .
6 Nisbet maintains that these five strategies represent the range of possibilities and that they can each be located on a spectrum , the poles of which can be described as ‘ hard ’ and ‘ soft ’ .
7 Where suffering has occurred there must be " one or more identifiable incidents which can be described as having adversely affected the child " and these may result from acts of commission or omission ( para 6.39(i) ) .
8 This is a concept which can be described as any measurable activity that creates and exploits a direct relationship between supplier and customer through the interactive use of the telephone .
9 As Table 6.1 below shows , the proportion of temporary hotel and catering staff who can be described as working on that basis " involuntarily " is lower , and the proportion who can be classified as working on that basis " voluntarily " is higher than for the generality of the temporary labour force .
10 If they can be described as competent programmers , a book such as M. J. Stratford Collins 's Ada , A Programmer 's Conversion Course could be ideal .
11 Some writing which is called art criticism will be helpful , some will not ; other writing will also be valuable , although whether it can be described as art criticism may be disputable .
12 It can be described as just one of these things .
13 Or it can be described as we might describe other fictional forms , such as an opera , a play , a film , or even a mime , where there is no linguistic dimension at all : X contains several Neanderthal characters .
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