Example sentences of "[pron] can [be] said [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Yet in some of the most fundamental areas of the enquiry , we find ourselves involved with societal processes which can be said to precede some senses of ‘ sociology ’ .
2 The historical associations of the object of art noted by Benjamin ( 1973 ) pertain almost inevitably to any object which can be said to have passed through the hands of the ancestors , and are often a pivot around which social identity is constructed .
3 In other places , the line falls below areas which can be said to benefit from improvement .
4 It follows then that when the student can correctly apply the rule in a variety of situations , she can be said to have learned the rule .
5 Treitel ( 8th ed. ) , p. 87 says of Ward v. Byham : ‘ One basis of the decision is that the mother had provided consideration by showing that she had made the child happy , etc. : in this way she can be said to have conferred a factual benefit on the father , even though she may not have suffered any detriment . ’
6 Who can be said to have killed him ?
7 With the conditional theory of knowledge , and the above explication of clauses 3 and 4 , you can be said to know that you are sitting reading because ( 3 ) in the nearest worlds in which you are not sitting reading you do not believe that you are , and ( 4 ) in the nearest worlds in which you are sitting reading you do believe that you are .
8 Other economic unions , some short-lived and some longer-lived , in Africa , Asia and the Americas , have had a modicum of influence locally , but none can be said to have had a major influence in global terms .
9 Language provides the context in which we can be said to understand each other .
10 The point is not to approach the texts with preconceived ideas about matters such as what constitutes an argument , what provides evidence for a claim , or when we can be said to know something .
11 The graphemes themselves are individual letters or small groups of letters such as " b " , " ou " , and " ght " , and when we can identify these graphemes and then pronounce them together as the sound represented by /bo:t/ ( which rhymes with " port " ) , we can be said to have used the GPC rules .
12 Why , he thought — if one can be said to think in dreams — did I ever take this on ?
13 Since documents usually have an overall structure , objective and topic , they can be said to represent a particular domain ( e.g. banking , insurance , etc . ) .
14 Archives and museums keep objects that hold information and they store information about the entities ( i.e. objects ) they hold , but whether they can be said to hold knowledge in the same way libraries do is debatable .
15 In their traditional exhibitionist role women are simultaneously looked at and displayed , with their appearance coded for strong visual and erotic impact so that they can be said to connote to-be-looked-at-ness .
16 On the basis of this identity of reference , they can be said to convey the SAME MESSAGE .
17 Proprietary life assurance companies are no different in this respect but it is very difficult to ascertain the amounts of profit arising from individual contracts and the exact period of time over which they can be said to have been earned .
18 Since the notional content of adjectives , on the other hand , does not define the nature of their support but only a quality thereof they can be said to have external incidence .
19 All is not dark in these accounts , and indeed they can be said to gleam with a quality of reflected light .
20 They can be said to determine and to indetermine , both to record , and to distort and desert , the facts of his life .
21 I find this a difficult case to understand but I do not think that it can be said to support the Woolwich principle .
22 Whilst Kuhn maintains that science does progress in some sense , he is quite unambiguous in his denial that it can be said to progress towards the truth in any well-defined sense .
23 If the idea catches on , it can be said to propagate itself , spreading from brain to brain .
24 Thus the hypothesis provides a meaning to primitive ‘ goodness ’ and also suggests the period during which it can be said to have originated .
25 Warnock 's error is to have neglected the necessity , in any account of seeing , of the subject 's capability of noticing what it can be said to perceive .
26 In terms of the political system , it can be said to provide the means by which a government is chosen but , despite the results of the 1983 general election , the extent to which it will continue to be capable of providing a government ( at least in the way it has previously done ) remains under question .
27 If it can be said to play the role of watchmaker in nature , it is the blind watchmaker .
28 At least the locked door designed to keep him in also keeps his enemies out , if he can be said to have any enemies .
29 Buckley LJ in the Court of Appeal provided some useful guidance as to precisely what rights or powers the individual must have before he can be said to have transferred or given the opportunity to another person so that the other person can make the gain .
30 In fact it is only because he is trying so hard to get it right that he can be said to get it wrong at all , and the gauche hero is above all the example of social over-anxiety , like Betjeman 's subaltern weak for love on a Hampshire tennis-court : his palms moist at the first handshake , one imagines , his over-careful manners a veneer masking racking uncertainties , and an over-developed sense of social duty enforcing its own inner punishment .
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