Example sentences of "[pron] would make [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And I would make that judgement and I would appoint it .
2 I would make that order , subject to the Legal Aid Fund being given an opportunity to show grounds why such an order should not be made .
3 There is only one thing to say about the Home Secretary 's speech : I have heard more intellectual contributions from Lord Waddington on the subject , and I never believed that I would make that statement about anyone holding the office of Home Secretary .
4 So far as far as water sports are concerned I would make one reservation which is that there has to be some form of rationalization between competed sports which may conflict with each other and I am sure this can be achieved through the Sports Council machinery .
5 I would make two points : the first is that a lot of very small-scale activity does achieve results .
6 They would take off in the event of a German cut , which would make lower UK rates more likely .
7 Labour MP 's Jo Richardson and Gavin Strang , are at present putting forward proposals in parliament to introduce a new clause to the proposed Employment Bill which would make such discrimination illegal .
8 It was the primary purpose of reorganisation to recast local government in a way which would make such palliatives unnecessary .
9 A proposed EC directive which would make financial institutions partly liable for damage caused by companies in which they have invested has been sharply criticized by several banking organizations .
10 The compromise was a filler story which would make good use of the available studio .
11 On 29 April 1988 , when both the Kingman Report was published and the membership of my Working Group announced , the press presumed that I was to lead a Group which would make firm recommendations on grammar , in contrast to the equivocations of Kingman .
12 Wh What things could happen now in nineteen ninety three which would make fair trade better .
13 An allocation is Pareto-efficient for a given set of consumer tastes , resources , and technology , if it is impossible to move to another allocation which would make some people better off and nobody worse off .
14 Yet to take those responsibilities seriously has huge resource implications which would make any government wary of enunciating them in legislation of a more comprehensive and precise kind than currently exists .
15 Client will ensure that all information relating to itself comprised in announcements , public statements , the Offer document and any other documents during KPMG 's engagement hereunder issued by or with the consent or knowledge of Client will be true and accurate in all material respects and will not be misleading , and that all expressions of opinion , intention and expectation therein will be honestly held and will be made only after due consideration and that there will not be omitted from any such document any fact the omission of which would make any statement therein false or misleading ;
16 At Cheltenham there are leeks to marvel at … and onions which would make any eye water .
17 That would have the effect of cutting the cost per unit from 3.2p to around 2.5p , which would make nuclear fuel far more competitive with gas and coal .
18 In this event Philip might well have approved of any plan which would make proper provision for his half-sister and her husband , whether it was Aquitaine or even something more .
19 If James wrote a book , it would no doubt be a bestseller , which would make another point of contrast between the two of them .
20 With the enormous number of cells present , it is not difficult to imagine interconnections which would make particular cells responsive to particular marks .
21 Is my right hon. Friend aware that in many parts of the Yorkshire and Humberside region unemployment is significantly lower than it was at the time of the previous election , and that what the regional CBI fears above all else is the havoc that would be caused by a Labour Government , with their commitment to a statutory minimum wage , which would wipe out so many jobs , and to the European Community social chapter , which would make British industry uncompetitive in world terms ?
22 Which would make this Rohan some kind of relation , legally if not by blood .
23 And it 's really to provide , according to Derek , it 's to provide the Secretary of State with some ideas of costings of , if she decides the new careers services to run careers conventions , she would make that part of the specification and she would know how much that that was likely to cost her .
24 She knew that whatever Margaret got she would make sure Maura got it back one hundredfold .
25 But she would make some man happy some day .
26 Rain said she would make some coffee , surely the police could n't object to that much interference with whatever evidence the mess offered them ?
27 It was , I thought , the last time that she would make sarky remarks about a fellow medium 's performance .
28 It was then Laura had realised that , however difficult it might be , she would make any sacrifice in order for the twins to be as happy and contented as possible .
29 The question is , as you rightly say , in psychoanalysis , the analyst usually has a vast amount much more than people normally realize , I mean , I recall from my own analysis , and mean I was going between two and four times a week erm , for an hour each time and it was a good six months before she would make any interpretations , and I used to get very frustrated , you know , I used to say things like , well , what do you think of this , Miss , you know .
30 Jean owns a shop which used to sell clothes but she has now decided that given the location she would make more money running a restaurant at the same premises .
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