Example sentences of "[pron] has be a move " in BNC.

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1 There has been a move by the Norwegian government to try to tax the Lapps on the basis of reindeer numbers , and almost overnight the Arctic was denuded of animals , at least on paper .
2 In recent years there has been a move in UK schools to standardise scientific nomenclature , and to phase out imperial measurements in favour of metric ones .
3 Lately there has been a move towards counting the twenty-four hours in a single progression from 00.00 , representing midnight , to 23.59 , the figures on the left of the punctuating point being the hours and those to the right the minutes .
4 Since the 1970s there has been a move towards financial devolution in many countries worldwide .
5 There has been a move away from the use of children 's homes towards more developed foster care and some private sector provision .
6 Alongside this there has been a move towards non-elected and usually specialist forms of local government .
7 Paul Hoggett ( 1987 ) , for example , has sought to explain changes in the organization of local government largely in terms drawn from debates within economics and the sociology of work ( see , for example , Massey , 1988a ; Meegan , 1988 ) , which suggests that since the early 1970s there has been a move away from Fordist towards post-Fordist methods of production .
8 This has led to the claim that British merger policy has potentially represented a Charter for Conglomerates , although it should be noted that , as discussed in the next subsection , there has been a move away from diversification and conglomerates , especially after the Stock Market Crash of 1987 .
9 It is for this reason , perhaps , that there has been a move , clearly indicated in the curriculum guidelines recently produced by HM Inspectorate , to emphasise the importance of skills-based learning .
10 Over the last 20 years there has been a move away from looking at children and adults in isolation towards looking at the needs of both , in terms of the family .
11 In recent years there has been a move to teach young people in residential care practical skills such as cooking and budgeting which they will need when they leave care .
12 There has been a move away from the narrow field of Production Engineering into the broader field of Operations Management … .
13 Changes in the course occur because of the need to attract a great number of students ; recently there has been a move to introduce a greater element of electronics in the course because
14 There has been a move towards a preference for flexible middle-range voices such as those mezzo-sopranos and baritones who can sing both quite high and quite low .
15 In recent years , however , there has been a move towards more intensive farming : altering the lambing season so they are born at different times of the year ; bringing lambs indoors and using special feed to make them grow bigger .
16 In recent years there has been a move to much bigger primary care teams , which has generally been welcomed .
17 In recent years , there has been a move away from open surgical techniques in biliary disease with an increasing use of therapeutic endoscopy for the extraction of bile duct stones and the stenting of biliary strictures .
18 However , there has been a move away from copy-protection because it is troublesome to customers who , not unreasonably , wish to take back-up copies of important programs .
19 In education recently , there has been a move away from over-emphasis on the assimilation of facts to an appreciation of the need for pupils to experience the processes by which one learns .
20 Recently , there has been a move towards customised self-liquidating premiums , an example being luxury bathrobes bearing the company logo .
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