Example sentences of "[pron] had led [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The persistent importance of the group , which had led to a strong sense of communal identity since the Tokugawa period , could also produce schism within society .
2 The status and function of these courts came into question during one of the most critical of these enquiries , that presided over by Lord Wilberforce in 1972 into the dispute about miners ' pay which had led to a widespread stoppage of work .
3 A general rise in crime had also been reported since the beginning of the year , following an amnesty which had led to a large number of convicted offenders being released from prison [ see p. 37192 ] .
4 The legislation followed the 1987 world stock market crash which had led to a controversial four-day closure of the Hong Kong stock exchange and the subsequent arrest of a number of officials on corruption charges [ see pp. 35742 ; 36764 ; and below ] .
5 The issue reminded many observers of the Recruit share trading scandal of late 1988 , which had led to the collapse of the government led by Noboru Takeshita [ see pp. 36463-64 ] , and which had led to a range of measures designed to tighten up on this kind of abuse .
6 Longer-term factors which had led to a decline in the gold price were lack of demand because of the prolonged recession in the USA and the slowdown in activity in other major industrialized countries , a switch by investors from the gold market to financial markets , and a failure to limit production and thus reduce supplies ( particularly in South Africa , the world 's largest producer ) .
7 It was also claimed that Mr Deans had been responsible for the non-payment of police bills which had led to a threat of police cover being withdrawn for home matches .
8 Poultry had benefited from efficient , low-cost , intensive production systems which had led to a prize competitive product .
9 India 's deteriorating foreign exchange situation had forced the government to adopt drastic import curbs in March [ see p. 38151 ] , which had led to an immediate reduction in the import of manufacturing components and metals .
10 It was not regulation , but the decisions of individual consumers , and industry 's response , which had led to the development of ozone-friendly products , bio-degradable plastics , and phosphate-free detergents . ’
11 In the face of mounting defeats , personal losses , misery , and sacrifice , Hitler 's earlier successes began to be seen in a new light , and he was now increasingly blamed for policies which had led to the war , and for his failure to terminate the war and produce the desired peace .
12 The other major setback came in the shape of the winter 's East Coast floods which had led to the loss of some branch members and severe dislocation of classes in Norfolk , Suffolk and Essex .
13 Faced , however , with the catastrophic increase in unemployment and the need to occupy large numbers of workless people without directly employing them ( which would have run counter to the economic doctrine which had led to the redundancy of many of them in the first place ) , the Government poured money into any ‘ voluntary ’ agency willing to put in a bid for government-funded cheap labour .
14 It was a direct result of the move towards greater political co-operation in Western Europe which had led to the creation of the Council of Europe in 1949 .
15 Prior to its arrival in France , the greatest vineyards had undergone gradual devaluation as a result of the increasing demand for wine , which had led to the planting of inferior varieties and the extension of vineyards into unsuitable areas of land .
16 The bitterness and confusion over delimitation , which had led to the drafting of a bill in 1911 outlining the two distinct districts , ‘ Champagne ’ and ‘ Champagne Deuxième Zone ’ , was still unsolved and an amended law was passed through the new government in 1919 .
17 In the discussions which had led to the creation of the ECSC , other economic sectors such as transport and agriculture had been highlighted as being ripe for similar developments .
18 They were panicking as it was their lack of observation which had led to the two getting away unseen .
19 Nevertheless , the crowding together of the poor in slums was seen to be dangerous — debilitating to health and facilitating possibly seditious communication of the kind which had led to the riots in Trafalgar Square in 1886 .
20 The ill-feeling between the British and American governments which had led to the delay in granting Virgin an exemption to fly into the States back in June now resurfaced .
21 In many ways the most significant of all the Soviet nationality disputes began to acquire open and public form in the summer of 1987 in the Baltic republics on the anniversary of the Nazi-Soviet pact which had led to the incorporation of these republics into the USSR .
22 As a reward for delivering the information which had led to the exposure of Sidacai 's planned coup , the honour was excessive .
23 This is made easier by the shift in the ideological climate discussed earlier , since to be too soft on those convicted would be to prolong the permissive trend which had led to the high crime levels and the chronic economic problems .
24 The University of Edinburgh has come late and abruptly to these changes , its collective mind concentrated by the need to change planning systems which had led to the sudden emergence of large , recurring deficits .
25 The fire was the second worst in the city 's history and occurred exactly 79 years after the death of 145 people in a factory fire which had led to the imposition of strict building regulations .
26 To offset the recessionary effects of the measures , which had led to the lay-off of an estimated 350,000 industrial workers , the government announced $2,000 million in official loans to companies within the capital goods sector on April 26 , with similar " soft credits " planned for the car , civil construction and agricultural sectors .
27 Gingrich had been the first to lay formal charges which had led to the resignation on June 6 of the Speaker of the House of Representatives , Jim Wright [ see p. 36650 ] , and it was widely believed that his own investigation had been initiated in revenge in April by Representative Bill Alexander ( Dem. , Arkansas ) who on Oct. 26 filed new charges against Gingrich for alleged misuse of campaign funds and of congressional stationery .
28 Recalling Resolution 43/120 ( adopted at the 43rd session — see p. 36780 ) which had led to the December 1988 adoption of the UN Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs in Vienna , the Assembly approved Resolution 44/140 .
29 Whereas similar protests in December 1986 ( which had led to the eventual abandonment of a programme backed by the International Monetary Fumd ( IMF ) — see p. 34923 ) had focused only on economic grievances , discontent now extended to the role of Kaunda himself and to the entrenched position of the ruling United National Independence Party ( UNIP ) as the sole legal party .
30 Negotiations over a joint fishing agreement between the two countries had been disrupted by incidents between Trinidadian fishermen and Venezuelan coastguards which had led to the death of one Trinidadian in October 1989 .
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