Example sentences of "[pron] had been live [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He was overlooking the fact that I had been living with Jean-Claude for more than three years .
2 Intending to be a priest of the Church of England , I lost my faith , slowly but painfully , and at the end of the summer left Oxford and the house in Norham Gardens in which I had been living for two years and in which , by a curious turn of fortune , my office now is .
3 It felt as if I had been living in a room with closed curtains , and all of a sudden its windows had been thrown open and the sun had come bursting in .
4 To support his family , which had been living in grinding poverty in a squalid tenement , he had to emigrate in 1903 to the USA .
5 Her East Coast American accent deceived most people , it was so like , and yet in some ways so unlike , that of the society in which she had been living for the last six months .
6 She then pointed to the recipe — Turkish Stuffing for a whole Roast Sheep — delighted by the disparity between the thought of this sheep and the few ounces of meat a week which begun jotting down recipes for this book after she had been sent back to England in 1945 , owing to her health , from New Delhi , where she had been living with her husband .
7 As Lou 's story progressed , however , it emerged that she had been living with Rick for several months and had high hopes of becoming engaged to him herself .
8 She had been living with the Wilsons for nearly three months .
9 Mrs Hepburn said she had been living with her husband at the time of the alleged crimes but was now in the process of divorcing him .
10 Her paternal family is opposed to the sect and some years before these events Miss T. had been reunited with her paternal grandmother and her father and for the past two years she had been living in circumstances which would not be approved by the sect .
11 She had been living in a hostel for women in North London for the past year and was waiting to be re-housed .
12 She had been living in Crow Court off Vetch Street for nearly a week , and the narrow lives of the people among whom she found herself appalled her .
13 ‘ Leith Everett , ’ she stated down the phone , and soon knew she had been living in a fool 's paradise these last few hours .
14 A man who had been living on his own committed suicide .
15 Margaret , who had been living with her married sister in Oxford , soon came to join her mother .
16 In October , Hopper married Michelle Phillips who had been living with him for some months .
17 In May 1991 , justices made an order committing two children , who had been living with their mother following the separation of their parents , to the care of the local authority .
18 A previously well 15 year old , who had been living with friends , became acutely violent and confused shortly after his return home .
19 People who had been living in the shadow of the rock breathed easily again .
20 His eldest son James , who had been living in Stirling castle , was persuaded to join the malcontents .
21 He did not look like a man who had been living in the middle of the moor .
22 An English poet , Harry Fainlight , who had been living in New York dropped in .
23 It was reported on Nov. 17. 1989 , that Sylvain Bamba , a former permanent under-secretary at the Ministry of the Interior and Justice who had been living in exile since 1963 , had announced the formation of an opposition Union for Congolese Democracy ( Union pour la démocratie congolaise — UDC ) , with himself as its chairman .
24 The refugees were Sudanese who had been living in camps in Ethiopia 's Ilubabor region since fleeing the war in southern Sudan in the mid-1980s .
25 The plight of the girl was discovered after her dad , who had been living in Spain , contacted the Department of Foreign Affairs in Dublin .
26 Imagine you had been living on bread and water for three years and then someone put a large bowl of cherries on the table in front of you .
27 We had been living in Canaan for ten years when Abraham started inviting me to his tent .
28 They had been living at Riverstown for two months before the first invitation came .
29 They had been living in it for years .
30 They had been living in Athens , and bringing out a magazine , Residue .
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