Example sentences of "[pron] was draw [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The single most difficult thing I found when using the Grafpad was to remember whether I was drawing on the screen or mapping the attributes .
2 Possibly due to my lack of marquetry expertise I was drawn towards the three veneer section , and E.J. Higgs ‘ Light Music ’ ( left ) won third prize in the class .
3 Having read this I was drawn to the words of the Apostle Paul when he wrote ‘ But when the fulness of time was come , God sent forth his Son , made of a woman , made under the law , to redeem them that were under the law , that we might receive the adoption of sons . ’
4 I was drawn by the likeness between you .
5 And now Vincent could realise another of his dreams , which was to draw from the nude in heated premises .
6 Between these pilasters are still visible the corbels upon which were supported the masts of the velarium which was drawn across the auditorium .
7 Its staff , which was drawn from the Board and the East India Company , were considered to be part of the Home Civil Service , but there were two important differences from the other departments .
8 She had come to the beginning of the shelters now , which meant that she was drawing near the pier .
9 She was drawn towards the resilience of a man who offered the possibility of providing something which had eluded her during childhood — the exclusive love of a parent .
10 Most striking was the case of the young Tatar Muslim , Mir Sajit Sultan Galiev , who was drawn into the work of the commissions , becoming one of Stalin 's assistants .
11 Then it was drawn into the light cast by a battery of exterior spot lamps .
12 The blade flashed as it was drawn over the leather .
13 ‘ Today , he was able to be dropped in behind , whereas last year when he ran third in the Tiffany Highflyer , he was drawn on the far side in a 30-runner race and Steve [ Cauthen ] had to ride him handy to the pace , ’ Stoute said .
14 And he was drawn to the grace and violence to be found among his Cossacks .
15 He was drawn to the work of IPTA ( Indian People 's Theatre Association ) , a cultural wing of the Communist Party of India , and worked with it as an actor — playwright — director till 1954 .
16 He was drawn to the traditions of Sephardism , he had once explained ; that rigorous and secluded tradition appealed to his own sensibility , in the same way that " free-thinking " Jews seemed to him to come too close to the rational Unitarianism which he despised .
17 Dowling himself was an irregular , a member of the Old Catholic Church , a splinter group that did not recognize the supremacy of Rome ; he was drawn into the cause as a result of saying house Masses for expatriate Nicaraguans in San Francisco .
18 As he was drawn towards the Eye the terror-struck Rincewind raised the box protectively , and at the same time heard the picture imp say , ‘ They 're about ripe now , ca n't hold them any longer .
19 In the evenings everyone was drawn to the blazing log fire in the entrance hall , where Sister Margaret recounted the history of Don Basco and the Salesians , and of the house at Brettargh Holt .
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