Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [vb base] a greater " in BNC.

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1 Part of the process has been to leave melodies incomplete , in an enigmatic and obscure fashion , sacrificing them to the technical prowess of symphonic ‘ textures ’ which perhaps have a greater degree of interest and a more intellectually appealing complexity .
2 British backbenchers may cast envious glances at their American counterparts who both have a greater impact on executive-initiated legislation and conduct more thorough investigations of the bureaucracy , but the problem remains of how to transfer political institutions from one political system to another .
3 Certainly , it seems reasonable to assume that individuals whose temperamental make-up is more ‘ psychotic ’ , and who therefore have a greater predisposition to psychosis , will be in greatest danger of passing over the threshold into overt illness , just as those of anxious temperament are more likely to develop an anxiety neurosis , and persons whose blood pressure is more labile will carry an enhanced risk of heart attack or stroke .
4 They generally present a greater barrier to takeovers in EC member states than technical barriers , in particular in Spain , Italy and France .
5 A Byzantine historian remarked of the Franks in the sixth century that ‘ although they have become Christians , they still keep a greater part of their ancient religion ’ .
6 They also have a greater tendency to rate themselves as ambitious , highly sexed , strong-willed and well endowed .
7 Paradoxically , they also encourage a greater reliance on means-tested benefits , which are divorced from employment records .
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