Example sentences of "[pron] [prep] the edge [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Me and Sam missed our way and found ourselves on the edge of Foxton Mire .
2 Charlie came over , hitched himself half-onto the edge of the makeup table , and looked down on her .
3 Ronni turned to scowl at him as , with the easy grace of a pole vaulter , he swung himself over the edge of the boat .
4 He felt himself on the edge of hysterical laughter and fought to gain control .
5 Max Gate , the house Hardy designed for himself on the edge of town , is stranded behind a new roundabout and it is difficult now to imagine him setting out from there to ride along the lanes with Kipling or H. G. Wells .
6 ‘ Indeed , ’ said Cowley , seating himself on the edge of the desk .
7 He reached out and turned the lamp so that it shone onto her face , seating himself on the edge of the desk so that he could study her .
8 Wycliffe perched himself on the edge of the table .
9 ‘ That Olivera office opposite , ’ said Greg , coming up to her desk , sitting himself on the edge of it , and kissing her twice — ‘ what sort of place is it ? ’
10 Benedict laid his burden gently on the bed , and sat down himself on the edge of it .
11 He perched himself on the edge of the gunwale and took the two ends of the rope in his hands .
12 ‘ I am ready , ’ he announced , pulling himself to the edge of the pool and looking down at her with no expression on his face to give her any clue about his attitude .
13 The male positions himself at the edge of the nest and fires a rapid succession of water droplets one to two inches out of the water and onto the nest itself to possibly agitate the eggs for recognition purposes .
14 In winter the chestnut-seller installed himself at the edge of the market .
15 Then between us we carried her to the river and rolled her in and Nour washed himself at the edge of the crocodile pool .
16 During a horse show he positioned himself at the edge of the arena .
17 ‘ It 's damnably distracting , having you in the edge of my vision like that . ’
18 ‘ I 'll let the brake off this chair and tip you over the edge in a minute .
19 It is a kind of debunk manquée , not the whole hog sort that keeps you on the edge of your chair waiting for yet more astounding revelations , but in a snider kind — like those Sunday supplement interviews which are dressed up as journalistic frankness , but whose real purpose is barb and innuendo . ’
20 It takes you and deposits you at the edge of a precipice and you can watch helplessly as you dangle and your hopes for survival are sinking into the depths of despair ’ .
21 When the trellises are dry , secure them along the edge of the fondant slide using small amounts of royal icing .
22 In one at the edge of the school the floor had completely disappeared and looking down Endill could watch the sea crashing against the rocks .
23 Then she moved about a yard to her right and laid another one at the edge of the roof with the yellow head pointing outwards .
24 In one direction only a little earthy bank separates me from the edge of the ocean , while in the other the valley goes back for miles and miles .
25 It was unreasonable to feel shocked by this , I thought , watching them from the edge of the terrace as they sat at our table and Richard ordered drinks : a young woman with an older man is not even a cause for surprise .
26 ‘ Joan , it will all turn out for the best — I know it will , ’ Anne assured her , seating herself on the edge of the bed .
27 Rapidly clearing away some bric-à-brac — a fan , a mandolin , a rusty bird cage — from a velvet throne , she invited Ruth to sit down , and settled herself on the edge of a dress-basket .
28 She blindfolded him with her sopping knickers , and balanced herself on the edge of the table .
29 She guided him to an armchair and sat herself on the edge of a Victorian sofa .
30 Lisa sat , arranging herself on the edge of one of the chairs , the stiff posture of one who would prefer not to linger .
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