Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] rise to [art] " in BNC.

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1 C.6 The Vendor wishes to control any actions which give rise to a breach of warranty .
2 Instead , people are developing other problems are developing other problems such as cancers which give rise to the need for long-term community support .
3 Green sets out the climatic conditions which give rise to the different degrees of ‘ air ’ .
4 For the cells which give rise to the lymphoma are white blood cells that secrete antibodies , and an antibody secreting cell normally rearranges the chromosomes that contain the antibody genes during its differentiation .
5 One alternative is to distinguish the constitution of individuals as intentional subjects who reason , choose and decide , from their constitution as capitalists , workers or lumpenproletariat , and to argue that it is the particular roles of a society which give rise to the need for legitimation .
6 Our discussion in the last two chapters and this one reveals three broad types of transaction which give rise to the demand and supply of currencies :
7 That is to say , characteristics of places , which give rise to the equilibrating tendencies of neo-classical theory or the reinforcing tendencies of cumulative causation , or which propel capital 's restless search for profit described by Marxism , are characteristics produced by society itself ; indeed they are products of the very industrial system which subsequently reacts to them .
8 Finally , it is also important for an officer to know about the processes which give rise to the particular effluents in his patch , since this helps the business of containment and on the spot diagnosis in an emergency .
9 Lastly , individuals in our culture , as in all others , must respect the two basic prohibitions on which all human societies are founded : that forbidding murder of our fellow men and that forbidding the erotic drives which give rise to the wish to murder in its most elemental instance — parricide for possession of the mother .
10 Against the possibility that the acquiring member fails to extend the offer , the following remedy can be provided for : If the Acquiring Member shall fail to serve a notice or make an offer in accordance with Article … ( or , if and to the extent that the offer is accepted , the Acquiring Member shall fail to complete the purchase of any shares pursuant to the offer ) he ( and any member with whom he is acting in concert as provided in Article … ) shall cease to have any rights to vote or to dividends in respect of all the shares held by him and the Directors may where relevant refuse to register the transfer of the shares acquired by the Acquiring Member which give rise to the obligations under Article … and may require the Acquiring Member to serve a Transfer Notice in respect of all or any of the shares held by him .
11 ( 4 ) In determining the value of an action under paragraph ( 1 ) ( a ) : ( a ) the sum which the plaintiff or applicant reasonably expects to recover shall be reduced by the amount of any debt which he admits that he owes to a defendant in that action and which arises from the circumstances which give rise to the action ; ( b ) no account shall be taken of a possible finding of contributory negligence , except to the extent , if any , that such negligence is admitted ; ( c ) where the plaintiff seeks an award of provisional damages as described in s 32A(2) ( a ) of the Supreme Court Act 1981 , no account shall be taken of the possibility of a future application for further damages ; ( d ) the value shall be taken to include sums which , by virtue of s 22 of the Social Security Act 1989 , are required to be paid to the Secretary of State .
12 It is important to realise that it is these eggs deposited in the first half of the grazing season from April to June , which give rise to the potentially dangerous populations of L3 from July to October .
13 The Official Solicitor is available to give advice to guardians ad litem involved in High Court proceedings and may be asked by the court to instruct counsel to appear as amicus curiae in any proceedings under the Act which give rise to an issue of general public importance .
14 The same result can also be achieved by excluding the circumstances which give rise to an implied term .
15 In 1563 one Hoppringle had been set upon and murdered in his house by a joint force of Armstrongs and Elliots , which gave rise to a long Border feud .
16 This was a worthwhile exercise which gave rise to a number of alterations .
17 The governors in fact accepted the Director 's offer to go on ‘ indefinite leave ’ , a move which angered the staff , but one which gave rise to a four-man team of senior executives to manage the Polytechnic — in fact until a new Director was appointed .
18 I can not remember a single one where the risks which gave rise to the accident could not have been measured and prevented with effective safety training , management commitment and — above all - sufficient funds .
19 If , however , we wish to prove the existence of ‘ the back of ’ something using quite different criteria of testimony and disallowing all those activities which gave rise to the concept in the first place , then perhaps our proof of the uncertainty of the existence of backs will be less powerful than has been imagined .
20 For centuries the outer edges of the world map dwindled to empty lands and seas where early cartographers filled the vast spaces with sea monsters and mythical creatures which gave rise to the figure of speech ‘ Here be Dragons ’ .
21 Most of the video nasties which gave rise to the Act have passed this test with flying colours , whilst most porn fails .
22 For most of the two centuries since that phenomenon began the conventional explanation has been that it was the new technology ( the spinning-jenny , the new weaving frames , and the steam engine ) which gave rise to the factory .
23 The final four chapters ( Ch. 11–14 ) examine the phases in the political and social re-organisation of sexuality in the twentieth century : in relationship to the weakening of the authoritarian consensus ; as part of the social restructuring attendant on the growth of the welfare state ; in terms of the transforming effects on long-term changes in the social structure , which gave rise to the short era of ‘ permissiveness ’ ; and finally the last chapter offers a brief description of the political and moral conjuncture in which the book was written .
24 Was it a creature like a sea squirt which gave rise to the more mobile lancelet-like form by producing descendants that abandoned the stationary condition and reproduced during the hitherto larval stage ?
25 In specifying a circumstance for the working of the wipers , we may include the switch 's being flipped , but if we do , we can not also include the muscle movements which gave rise to the switch 's being flipped .
26 The problems which derive from the decline in the industrial structure which gave rise to the North East as an industrial region have been recognized since the 1930s , and until the coming to power of the present government the same core strategy informed attempts to resolve them .
27 In Home Office Research and Planning Unit Paper 65 , Offending while on Bail : a survey of recent studies , by Patricia M. Morgan ( Home Office , 1992 ) , the figures which gave rise to the recent claims are subjected to careful analysis .
28 In their inception , these authorities were based on the fact that the payer and payee were not on an equal footing and it was this inequality which gave rise to the right to recovery .
29 Held ( 1 ) that the public interest in preserving confidentiality underlying the particular implied undertaking by B. added little if anything to the public interest which gave rise to the basic claim of public interest immunity attaching to the authority 's documents ; so that , if that immunity ought properly to be overridden in the light of countervailing public interest arising , that countervailing interest would also outweigh such limited value as still attached to B. 's implied undertaking ( post , pp. 926H — 927A ) .
30 The incident which gave rise to the charge is indicative of the high , and often explosive , tension which existed between the NSFU and breakaway BSU men in Glasgow .
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