Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [prep] [art] bad " in BNC.

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1 I got in a bad way .
2 I knew about the bad weather , and I had learned later that , on account of this , the plane had been recalled without accomplishing its mission .
3 ‘ Have I come at a bad time ? ’
4 ‘ Have I come at a bad moment ? ’ she asked .
5 They say that ‘ nothing happens to the bad ‘ uns ’ , but it seemed unbelievable that misfortune should strike Arthur yet again directly after his triumphs at the Horse of The Year Show .
6 By 1979 energy consumption was almost back to the 1973 level but this trend was abruptly curtailed by the second oil shock which contributed to the worst recession in the UK since the Second World War .
7 ‘ Even as angels go , these seem a little unconvincing , airborne cherubs which seem like a bad special effect or a funerary monument that 's suddenly taken flight ’ .
8 Suddenly stopping the drug may result in acute " withdrawal " effects such as delirium tremens for alcohol or " cold turkey " ( which feels like a bad bout of influenza ) for heroin .
9 Panic struck the New York stock market , share values fell dramatically and Hoover found himself presiding over the worst economic depression in the history of the USA .
10 In the 1914 period the custom was to turn the aircraft upside down and then to load the wings with bags of sand or lead shot distributed so as to represent the various aerodynamic loads which occur under the worst conditions , such as pulling out of a dive .
11 ‘ We were from different cultures , but they kept me going through the bad times .
12 A BALLET lover yesterday lost her £200 damages claim over what she rated as a bad performance by superstar Rudolph Nureyev .
13 Anyway it 's fiction erm basically I mean for me there 's two issues , one do you pamper to the worst possible taste erm and two erm is the Sun the face of newspapers to come er
14 She told the poor people who had taken her in that the girl was illegitimate , and that she came from a bad family with an evil reputation .
15 You sound like a bad play ! ’
16 She suffers from a bad foot and can hardly walk .
17 People do n't know anything about the things that they 're not talking about , you 've had no experience of it , you do n't know , you know of the bad hairpieces and wigs
18 By the way , before you get to the bad part , was I right about your name ? ’
19 Certainly , for your first few flights , your left hand should be close to the release knob , so that you can release immediately if you get into a bad swing or a wing-tip goes onto the ground .
20 ‘ Do I remember you ? ’ she responds to a bad old lad at the back .
21 Instead of planning to have a stable foothold at each step , you recover from a bad step with the next one you take .
22 Could you have with a bad character , an actively hostile house ?
23 More to the point , you fail to mention the fact that the Government has offered talks on a pay structure which would ensure that those ambulance workers with a high skill level , who tend to be those who deal with the worst accidents , are paid more to reflect their training .
24 She went through a bad patch , ’ said Mrs Khalid .
25 She felt like a bad child , a bad little girl who would n't give up .
26 It will do you good , help you to get over the bad time you 've just had . ’
27 Sycorax no longer leaked whatever liquids or foods she was able to consume , as she had during the worst of her fever , and Ariel could prop her up into a sitting position , and then , presenting her shoulders to her , go down on one knee to hoist her piggy-back and carry her to the privy in the forest a few minutes ' walk away .
28 She married into the worst of Mother 's years , whereas I had the best , and I wonder if I 'd have been as unselfish as Lynda .
29 But if you know anyone who comes to a bad end you tend to think over what you said to them , what they said to you . ’
30 It is always a big event and probably just what we want after a bad defeat . ’
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