Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [verb] [art] previous " in BNC.

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1 As I said , I was somewhat annoyed in view of the definitive nature of the arrangement I had made the previous day , and the fact that no explanation or apology had been forthcoming .
2 I would sing to myself , perfectly content to be alone in my own dream world , imagining myself on television receiving an award for beating a world record and I would see my name and picture in the ‘ Guinness Book of Records ’ on the high bookshelf in my brother 's room where I could not reach it , and yet , through all those mornings of endless riding round the yard , I never once counted just how many times I had ridden around to see if I had beaten the previous morning 's record , so sure was my conviction of success !
3 I replied that it was not the first time , but that I had borne the previous occasions with courage and would do so now .
4 He also ordered a meal of succulent roast capon cooked in rich sauces and freshly baked loaves of pure wheat rather than the coarse rye bread I had eaten the previous months .
5 He brought with him , among others , the new Communist Transport Minister , Charles Fiterman , whom I had met the previous week .
6 Citing the case of one of the juveniles whom I had encountered the previous week :
7 But unlike the mink I had filmed the previous year , this one appeared not to be very active .
8 It is this ‘ spatial ’ potential of colour — what Riley refers to as plastic — which has superseded the previous emphasis on the chromatic ; colour serves to counteract the potentially conflicting space of the oblique construction .
9 Chain had overcome the problems which had defeated every previous experimenter with penicillin , but only on a small scale .
10 The French , probably over-confident of victory , allowed themselves to be drawn into a cavalry advance , carried out under a hail of arrows , across recently ploughed ground made softer yet by the rain which had fallen the previous night .
11 But this layout seemingly only lasted a comparatively short time , before it too was swept away , together with the buildings which had survived the previous changes and the fort defences .
12 Rajiv Gandhi , the 46-year-old Congress ( I ) party president and former Prime Minister , was assassinated in southern India on May 21 , while campaigning in the general election which had started the previous day .
13 A general election held in Bangladesh on Feb. 27 was dominated by the Bangladesh Nationalist Party ( BNP ) and the Awami League , both of which had boycotted the previous elections held in March 1988 [ see pp. 35835-36 ] .
14 She had n't mentioned that she 'd paid a previous visit to the house .
15 ‘ But you did spend the previous day with the King ? ’
16 showed us the lovely crystal glass which she had received the previous Wednesday at Wembley Conference Centre .
17 Mrs Redmond talked about Bridie 's babies , whom she had seen the previous day , and asked Anne about her grandmother .
18 Despite her alleged impatience to hear about his experiences during the pay-off , she made no attempt to refer to it again , launching instead into a blow-by-blow account of a film she had seen the previous evening , going on to explain that she loved films , really loved them , that the only place to see them properly was the cinema , that her favourite was a wonderful old place in the centre of town called the Minerva , and what a shame it was that no one went to the cinema any more .
19 In January 1916 , six months before he met O'Keeffe , 3 Stieglitz saw examples of the charcoal drawings she had made the previous autumn and exclaimed : ‘ Why they 're genuinely fine things — You say a woman did these — She 's an unusual woman — She 's broad-minded , she 's bigger than most women , but she 's got the sensitive emotion — I 'd know she was a woman — Look at that line . ’
20 Julia was so interested in the cross-examination that she almost disobeyed Anthony 's instructions to go back to the Campo San Maurizio for lunch and spend the afternoon in bed , but , remembering how weak she had felt the previous evening , she did as he said .
21 Shafts of sunlight gleamed through the avenue of trees , warming the air so that she felt no need to wear the jacket she had brought with her as a precaution against the temperamental nature of Danish weather , holding it casually instead over one arm , perfectly comfortable in the same linen dress she had worn the previous evening .
22 In daylight Folly could really appreciate details of the luxury she had missed the previous evening .
23 Madge was attended by six little Burmese bridesmaids , who as soon as she arrived started off up the long aisle , and she followed with the kind friend at whose house she had spent the previous two nights and who ‘ gave her away ’ .
24 She had spent the previous evening at Ragamuffins nightclub in Camberley , Surrey .
25 Dalgliesh thanked her and told her that she could go home as soon as she had checked with Detective-Sergeant Reynolds in the library that he had all the necessary information about where she had spent the previous evening .
26 She had spent the previous day helping Janet to prepare Aunt Emily 's room for her mother .
27 She had had no previous treatment for any emotional difficulties .
28 In essence it was simpler than what she had suggested the previous night ; but the details were far more involved .
29 She had left the previous night without speaking to him , without giving him the chance to say how sorry he was .
30 It seems reasonable to ask , though , why a side who had gone the previous 42 games undefeated , were allowed to spend such a relatively undemanding afternoon in the company of a team who ought to have harboured more serious intent than was ever evident .
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