Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [verb] [art] present " in BNC.

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1 I want to retain the present engine 's performance but increase the miles per gallon .
2 In the absence of these things , I seek to defend the present service as the best achievable .
3 Someone had to overturn the present political arrangements in the Limousin if he was ever to lay his hands on Hautefort .
4 To avoid such a catastrophe they offer IBM a 12 point set of minimum recommendations , which include replacing the present leadership with ‘ technically current ’ managers and board members raided from younger companies , be tougher on salaries and golden handshakes , slow investment on traditional systems , give its semiconductor business complete perestroika , stop losing money on PCs or stop making them , and commercialise more of its research .
5 Instead , he quotes Benjamin Thompson , Count Rumford , active around 1800 , as ‘ the prototype of the scientific adventurers who have beset the present age of great projects .
6 Till then , we had to administer the present law .
7 We have inherited the present Earth .
8 To answer this question we need to know the present rate of expansion of the universe and its present average density .
9 But in a situation where we were left with the second E I P and we had districts preparing district wide plans and as Mr in his submission has said , he intends to remove the present article fourteen , direction , we are in real chaos .
10 Autee Lord Justice had this to say at page nine two seven quote , having decided that he , brackets the judge close brackets , could make no allowance for the possibility of increased pension payments because of the increased cost of living index , he had to decide the present day value of the fixed sum payable in thirty one years time .
11 His voice was sardonic again — he had noted the present tense when she had spoken of her poor ‘ dead ’ papa !
12 He had telephoned the present Archdeacon of Woodborough , a valued friend , the friend who had indeed suggested and supported his application , and he had said that he simply did not know why Peter had been turned down , he had no idea .
13 Had he lived to see the present development of union organization , with its emphasis on restrictive employment and job demarcation , he might have wished to revise some of his views .
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