Example sentences of "[pron] [vb -s] all [art] difference " in BNC.

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1 We can not change our outer situation , but we can change our attitude to it , which makes all the difference in the world .
2 Cold , wet , tired shepherds , — trudging round at the dead of night — newborn lambs already suffering from exposure and ewes with wet coats often unable to give borderline lambs that vital warmth which makes all the difference .
3 I now have a regular exercise programme which I enjoy and I am a trim one-and-a-half stones lighter which makes all the difference to how I feel about myself " .
4 But the spirit generates the faith by which we know Christ , and it 's surely that which makes all the difference between the a mere interest in an historical Jesus and our real living faith in our risen conquering son .
5 It makes all the difference .
6 By inclination I belong to the second category , but I have learned that it makes all the difference to lay a firm foundation at the outset .
7 You must admit , it makes all the difference being on our own . ’
8 ‘ It 's just a simple two minute job , ’ Dan told me , ‘ but it makes all the difference . ’
9 It makes all the difference , really . ’
10 This is , in fact , real editing in camera , and when you have become accustomed to the routine you will find that it makes all the difference between a good movie and one which is tedious and irritating to watch .
11 It makes all the difference to how we look if we are happy , ’ she says .
12 It makes all the difference , ’ said Constance .
13 It makes all the difference to the members of the public and the good will that it builds up is terribly important .
14 For those like Gillis , it makes all the difference .
15 What makes all the difference is the perceived nature of the impact .
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