Example sentences of "[pron] [is] said [that] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 It 's said that Beethoven had green eyes .
2 It is said that Colman 's Mustard made their money from the amount of mustard left on the plate .
3 It is said that Alexander himself paced out the plan for his Egyptian city before hurrying off to conquer the rest of the world .
4 It is said that Paul Jones , the American privateer , fired a salvo at Rolston Hall to mark his hatred of the then owner , William Brough , Marshall of High Court of Admiralty , who was entitled to hang Paul Jones as a pirate if he was captured .
5 It is said that Joshua Reynolds , one of the Grand Old Men of English art , was instrumental in defining the successful modern portrait .
6 It is said that Scotland should content herself with arrangements similar to those holding for Bavaria or Catalonia or Flanders .
7 It is said that William Whiteley Ltd. v. The King , 101 L.T. 741 and Twyford v. Manchester Corporation [ 1946 ] Ch. 236 are authorities to the contrary .
8 This argument takes one of two forms depending upon the outlook of its proponent : either it is said that Europe must look to her own defence as a consequence of the American disengagement ; alternatively it is argued that Europe ought in principle to defend herself , so as to speed the departure of the US troops and be free of American ‘ domination ’ .
9 Retribution soon followed , possibly by rock fall and it is said that Simon 's bones still lie a'mouldering it , the depths — no-one , you see , had the courage to go down into his mine and search for him .
10 It is said that Britain has become a country of High Mass Consumption .
11 It is said that Netwise could not afford to continue financing the European effort once the cash had dried up .
12 Rumours abound ; it is said that Bonnie Prince Charlie stayed here after his defeat in 1745 , and it is also suggested that the house was a centre of smuggling as it stands a mere hundred yards from the head of the Solway Firth .
13 It is said that Ferdinand made all three brothers promise to defer to Rodrigo del Bivar , putting him virtually in loco parentis to the infantas , though he was still only of an age with them .
14 It is said that Wallace 's writings after his return to England persuaded Darwin to publish The Origin of Species .
15 It is difficult to explain why they would have maintained such popularity — for it is said that Cooper produced a painting a day — over shifts in market and social circumstances .
16 It is said that Jimmy Marshall spilt the beans about this massive unclimbed buttress of corners and cracks to the Rock and Ice in Chamonix .
17 It is said that Peru has some of the best liars in the world — I could n't know , they are so good I believe them !
18 It is said that Watson replied , ‘ Is that you Mr Bell ? ’ but since there was only one telephone in the whole of God 's creation at the time , Bell ‘ s reply to HIM is not hard to guess at .
19 It is said that Scheiner , on hearing this in a Rome bookshop , turned purple and shook violently .
20 It is said that Rundell 's had to satisfy so many orders at this time that Storr & Co. was obliged to work , in the way of dinner services , centre-pieces , and other ceremonial and domestic plate , some ten thousand ounces of silver a month .
21 Even if we take patristic Christology , in which it is said that God in Christ took on humanity in which we all participate , it is still the case that that human nature was the human nature of a male human being .
22 It is said that Adolf Sax tried to persuade Wagner to include them in his orchestral apparatus but Wagner perceived that they would not blend well with either woodwind or brass ( still less , strings ) and never used them .
23 It is said that Watt was rather jealous about this .
24 It is said that Freud wrote in a male-dominated society , and that his theory about sexuality , and about female sexuality in particular , reflects this in the male bias in his work .
25 It is said that Mr Shamir appointed Rehavam Zeevi , who runs a party called Moledat ( Homeland ) , as minister-without-portfolio in his inner cabinet mainly for coalition reasons : he wanted to increase his narrow majority and to avoid being attacked from outside it by the extreme right .
26 Additionally , it is said that Mr Benn [ = the Secretary of State for Industry ] has dared break a rather long departmental silence with a couple of speeches ( … ) , to tell how election pledges will be fulfilled and private industry is lining its pockets with state money with no strings attached .
27 It is said that James VI frequented the Sheep 's Head Inn and in 1580 presented an embellished ram 's head and horns for adorning the bar .
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