Example sentences of "[pron] [was/were] carrying out [art] " in BNC.

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1 Alan , who was won several national awards , agreed to compete against all 75 children at Hinderwell Junior School , Scarborough , who were carrying out a topic on communications .
2 The police , who were carrying out an operation to recover illegal arms in Muhajir-populated areas , opened fire on the crowd which included women and children , many of whom carried copies of the Quran on their heads in a traditional sign of protest .
3 Sedgwick , born in Dent in 1785 and for many years Professor of Geology at Trinity College , Cambridge , and a friend of Wordsworth and Darwin , describes the galleries of Dent vividly and delightfully in his book , A Memorial To Cowgill Chapel 1868 : ‘ The galleries were places of mirth and glee and active happy industry for there might be heard the buzz of the spinning wheel and the hum and the songs of those who were carrying out the labours of the day . ’
4 For there might be heard the buzz of the spinning wheel , and the hum and songs of those who were carrying out the labours of the day ; and the merry jests and greetings sent down to those who were passing through the streets .
5 The governors stuck reasonably well to their instructions on this and other matters and , while they did not always understand the new societies in which they were serving , eighteenth-century attacks on their competence were certainly on some occasions political propaganda that colonists were naturally tempted to launch against men who were carrying out the policy of a distant monarch and government .
6 Now when you went in you were carrying out a plan with you very close behind going down to the bedroom .
7 Discuss how your analysis would have been altered if you were carrying out the analysis on behalf of a prospective shareholder .
8 She was flown immediately by helicopter to Hillsborough Castle in County Down where she was carrying out the only engagements of the visit , a lunch party and a garden party for 1,200 people on a day Ulster was swept by torrential rain .
9 If we were carrying out a similar survey in the future , recording conversations , would you be willing to take part ?
10 For example , if one were carrying out a survey of library users over six days and the analysis for the working week produced , let us say , 20 print-out sheets , then to ask also for sub-analyses for each of the six days could result in a further 120 sheets .
11 It was never clear whether they were carrying out a routine sample spot check on the facilities or merely seeking a quick meal before a meeting .
12 Ward 's voice was flat as though he were carrying out an official enquiry .
13 The company formed to explore the sunken liner said it was carrying out the search with the French Institute for the Research and Exploitation of the Sea .
14 David Quelch of Buntingford , Herefordshire , admitted using the device to remove fish at a pit in Haddenham , Cambridgeshire without consent but claimed he was carrying out a health check on behalf of the owners .
15 He was carrying out a routine inquiry when his hand was severed by a Samurai sword .
16 On appeal he was found not guilty because he was carrying out a normal procedure approved by the medical profession .
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