Example sentences of "[pron] [was/were] trying [to-vb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 But I were trying to get through to her .
2 At first there was a lack of trust between us : I thought they were not trying hard enough as we went over and over the same issues ; they thought I was trying to take over .
3 I was trying to pick up youngish artists who had had some recognition like Patrick Hughes .
4 All the time I was trying to blank out previous situations from my mind .
5 My voice had risen a good half-octave and my hands were waggling around on the end of my arms as though I was trying to shake off bits of Sellotape .
6 Well this is this is what I was trying to work out looking at the banking erm module that Sia , Sandra 's just given me could for the nine weeks right ?
7 Well I was looking out the other side cos I was trying to work out where Glynis lived .
8 But I was trying to work out how , how , how the composer should kill them , whether he
9 ‘ I just happened to discover it last spring , when I was trying to find out more about the d'Urbervilles and noticed your name in the village . ’
10 Cos I 'd lost about half a stone in weight , and I was cut down on chocolate biscuits , and I , what I 'd been doing I was was at my tea , at five o'clock , I was eating another at ten o'clock , I reckon I was overdoing it a bit you know with the I was trying to cut down a lot
11 Cos I was trying to keep out , it 's too much for him , he 's
12 Gerald said : ‘ I suppose somebody could have been in there doing the old man while I was trying to get in .
13 Gerald , pretending to a savoir faire he did not possess ; ‘ I suppose somebody could have been in there doing the old man while I was trying to get in … ’
14 He is in fact opposing himself to the view that I was trying to get out of the older writers , namely that beauty is the name of some sort of spiritual being .
15 He is in fact opposing himself to the view I was trying to get out of the older writers , namely that ‘ beauty ’ is the name of some sort of spiritual being .
16 and then I was trying to come out and I started to pull out into a gap and Brian said oh know , do n't pull out I said oh okay , he said the thing is your fairly tight so your gon na have to come out slowly so you need a bigger gap than otherwise .
17 I was trying to catch up with you , but I could n't . ’
18 I was trying to catch up on housework
19 ‘ And I spent an hour greeting my guests , making a speech and ensuring the entertainment was fully organised for the evening , while I was trying to make up my mind whether your refusal to put in an appearance was because you cared for me — or because you hated me . ’
20 I was trying to make out what sort of creature I was going to be living with ’ .
21 I was trying to fend off Wayne and Louise , playing Rambo with my knees .
22 When he came home he was messing about on pavement for quite a while , I was , I thought somebody was trying to get in , you know
23 Cars have been popular in the movies since Mack Sennett was wrecking them around 1914 in such shorts as Lizzies of the Field — not funny to some members of early audiences , who were trying to save up for a Ford Model T or ‘ tin Lizzy ’ .
24 Waving his men into a pincer formation , Mortimer surprised the small group of machete-wielding rebels who were trying to wear down the staff of the building .
25 He jetted out in his role as President of the Council of European Farm Ministers to join EC Agriculture Commission Ray MacSharry and US Agricultural Secretary Edward Madigan who were trying to button up a deal before the transition of the US Presidency .
26 Unfortunately , I said the longer he chose to ignore me and others who were trying to find out what was making him so unhappy , the more chance there was that decisions about his future might be made regardless of his willingness to discuss his situation .
27 A gang of youths threw stones and missiles at officers who were trying to break up the display .
28 Erm Richard you were trying to break up a big lump of snow yesterday were n't you ?
29 Imagine you were trying to find out if a DIY store would do well in your area .
30 Sean says that , ironically , the accident happened because she was trying to live down her reputation as a ‘ difficult actress ’ .
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