Example sentences of "[pron] [vb mod] [be] recognised that " in BNC.

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1 In addition to antibiotics , it should be recognised that enzymes are microbial products which could also be involved in the biocontrol action , for example , by causing the lysis of the cell walls of pathogens during the phenomenon of mycoparasitism ( Fig. 1 ) .
2 Equally , however , it should be recognised that some writing is about communicating with the outside world and having a say in that world .
3 Solvents : It should be recognised that the mixture of soil with a solvent does not result in the change of state described in the reaction equation .
4 It should be recognised that many of the problems that face us are not a result of the National Curriculum ; they have existed in the curriculum for decades .
5 However , it should be recognised that while it is possible to analyse costs retrospectively to the individual patient , it is not possible to plan prospectively for the individual patient .
6 It should be recognised that we are still in the early days of case-mix accounting .
7 It should be recognised that there are problems not addressed by the consultation document , for example extras , widespread discounts , imported and second-hand cars and frequent price changes .
8 It should be recognised that professional journals and magazines etcetera comprise a mix of both general and technical items .
9 Ernst & Young stress , as did Price Waterhouse , that ‘ it should be recognised that our review did not constitute an audit and may not have revealed all material facts ’ .
10 As the TGAT Report said : ‘ it should be recognised that to record a low level of performance for this reason [ English as a second language ( E2L ) ] would be no reflection on a pupil 's general ability but merely an indication that the pupil needed special help in English language skills . ’
11 But where their particular disability impairs their access to the curriculum , this access should be facilitated by alternative means , and it should be recognised that the problem of access may hinder their initial progress , though they may be expected to catch up later .
12 It should be recognised that communication consists of production and reception of language .
13 It should be recognised that the choice of open or closed-loop control makes no difference to the inherent torque producing capability of the motor , but they do allow this capability to be realised in different ways .
14 It should be recognised that , in general , it will be read by busy people and therefore should be concise .
15 It should be recognised that open invitations to all staff to attend can be disruptive to normal line management , and can conflict with the efficient running of service departments where continuous manning is essential .
16 It should be recognised that the professional Institution and The Engineering Council may offer advice but can not provide a safeguard .
17 It should be recognised that all too often the operational design intent is not followed by those operating or using the design in practice .
18 It should be recognised that there is a link between the information content of management budgets and published annual accounts .
19 It may be advisable ( Clause 22.02 ) to include some provision in this regard in the partnership agreement , though it should be recognised that enforcement through the courts is impossible , depending as it does on the consent of a client who is not privy to the agreement .
20 Although dairy or dairy-cross calves are most commonly affected it should be recognised that autumn-born born single-suckled beef calves are just as susceptible when turned out to grass in early summer .
21 It should be recognised that there is no secondary market for units , they can only be bought and sold from the unit trust itself .
22 The removal of exchange controls allowed diversification of portfolios to continue on an international scale , and it should be recognised that the increasing globalisation of markets through deregulation and liberalisation also contributed to the growth in holdings of overseas securities .
23 With liquidity risk , it should be recognised that diversification into new areas of business may reduce the ability of institutions to obtain liquid funds .
24 It should be recognised that it is in the interests of all firms involved in the provision of financial services that regulation is adequate and seen to be adequate by investors , or custom will be lost for all concerned .
25 Gower also doubted the usefulness of cost benefit analysis , and although it should be recognised that there are indeed limitations to such a technique , as Veljanovski ( 1988 ) points out , this is not a valid excuse for the total disregard of the appraisal of the cost of alternative systems .
26 Hence where and it should be recognised that represents the natural resonant pulsatance .
27 In particular I think it should be recognised that the role of the unions , NALGO and G M D in helping that process of change has been quite fundamental and for that reason , because we appreciate and value the essential way in which the unions have contributed to the process of changing the organisation I consider that the they much trailed proposals from the opposition groups to cut , or in the other case , to reduce the NALGO office are quite misguided .
28 However , it must be recognised that this relationship has been significantly affected by the unification episode' .
29 It must be recognised that an under-utilised labour force , without adequate welfare provisions , poses a potential threat to a LDC 's political stability which might discourage much-needed foreign investment and loans .
30 In the final analysis it must be recognised that the ECMs are demand determined , their ability to provide large loans quickly and efficiently as required by banks , multinational corporations and governments being the main justification for their existence .
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