Example sentences of "[pron] [vb base] [vb pp] yourself [art] " in BNC.

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1 right , you 've made yourself a , your , twenty thousand anyway , then you could probably buy a , a nice little two bedroom bungalow
2 You 've made yourself an enemy for life instead of a friend for life — very clever , that .
3 It may not be the bit that you 're going to eventually use for your assignment , because you 're a bit unsure taped up your assignment , but bring a short transcription , at least one side of A four , because if you do that , you will , if you 've given yourself a chance of actually trying it out , you will begin to see the problems and and the whole thing will be much more interesting and more rewardable .
4 So you 've found yourself a job , and if all has gone well you 're managing to balance the demands of the workplace with those of your family .
5 Then she had nodded slowly , and said , ‘ Sylvie , you know that you 've found yourself an elaborate means of coming to terms with your own childhood .
6 Later , Madge had said : ‘ You 've got yourself a smashing lad there , Marie !
7 ‘ Nathan Bryce , ’ her smile reflected the radiance that filled her whole being , ‘ you 've got yourself a deal . ’
8 You 've got yourself a deal , ’ said Charlie with a grin , and from that day Mrs Smelley was never seen shopping for fruit or vegetables in the market again .
9 You 've got yourself a page full of lines .
10 you open yourself to comments from now , you 've got yourself a name , er
11 Incidentally , Willoughby , you 've earned yourself a black mark for that little trouble .
12 ( You 've earned yourself a booking ! — Ed . )
13 So , Jay , you 've set yourself a wonderful conundrum .
14 Not so much there , little bit better there , but that bit so , okay , it 's er , you 've set yourself a task to do a sort of a lighting exercise to photograph this camera er so , yo you you know , you must really control the lights and the do the best you can .
15 Remember that you have denied yourself the possibility of making an income for at least three years .
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