Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] towards the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Matilda took the knife she had been eating with , and all four of them crept towards the dining-room door , the father keeping well behind the others .
2 The two older men made no reply to this , and neither of them moved towards the door to open it ; nor did they say ‘ Good-day … ’
3 It was as I got towards the end that I began to look more towards his future .
4 Of course , this strategy had a distinct disadvantage in that each time I moved towards the light to serve the gentlemen , my advancing footsteps would echo long and loud before I reached the table , drawing attention to my impending arrival in the most ostentatious manner ; but it did have the great merit of making my person only partially visible while I remained stationary .
5 Very carefully and quietly I moved towards the house .
6 But of all I had read so far , nothing troubled me more than two notes I encountered towards the end of the seventh chapter .
7 As soon as the morning lessons were over and I had snatched a quick lunch I headed towards the village with my bag .
8 I nodded towards the bedchamber which I could glimpse through a half open door .
9 I nodded towards the door behind the fence .
10 I called over my shoulder as I trotted towards the car .
11 I turned towards the voice and saw a slender young woman hurrying towards me .
12 I turned towards the voice to see a small dark number with gleaming black hair and flashing eyes to match .
13 I turned towards the boar again .
14 I walked towards the door in the hope of a cup of tea .
15 As I walked towards the hut , I saw that someone had certainly been using it .
16 I mused on Toby 's story as I walked towards the clubhouse and so intent was I on my thoughts that I nearly knocked over Sally Drayton as I passed the PGA hut .
17 Then I walked towards the room just as loud applause was heard .
18 Pavements gleamed , as I walked towards the sunset , along a narrow street of dark , shabby houses .
19 I glanced towards the garage entrance which was ankle deep in litter .
20 For me the chief attractions of this programme were the two pieces by Hans Gàl , whom I knew towards the end of his long and fecund life ( he died in October 1987 , at the age of 97 ) .
21 I looked towards the suitcase .
22 I looked towards the chateau entrance and saw Queen Poison , dreadful as an army in battle array , sweep towards me across the lowered drawbridge , arms extended as if she wished to clasp me to her deceitful bosom .
23 As I looked towards the right , however , along the other widespread arm of the building , something materialized there like a stain : light towards the dead dull end of the electromagnetic spectrum .
24 As I proceeded towards the doors , I realized M. Dupont was following me .
25 I walked along the road while Frankland was watching me , but as soon as I was round the corner , I went towards the hill where we had seen the boy .
26 The soft , sweet sounds of the piano dropped round me , intoxicating me and compelling me to follow as I drifted towards the sound like a child of Hamelin .
27 ‘ Look , lady , I 've done my bit and I 'll be off now , ’ I edged towards the door .
28 Well I did we we talked about this , you see Mary Anne , half way through the conversation er Neil went out of the room so that I could to Mary Ann and I said towards the end of my conversation , you know , Mary Ann you 're a very wise person , give me some advice I said , I told her about Neil not wanting no not doing well on the driving , although he can drive she said he does n't want to do it she said do n't hassle him so when he came downstairs I said I 've been talking to Mary Ann and she sends you her love and because , of course , you know , we 've got a grandson , you know she had a son , my
29 I ran towards the voice , but I could not catch the monster .
30 I ran towards the trees .
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