Example sentences of "[art] use [prep] the same " in BNC.

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1 Red is used by one major manufacturer but this is difficult to reconcile with the use of the same colour for acid products .
2 The hyper-bases so developed may only be usable in their home environment whereas a generalized data-base implementation would provide the basis for the use of the same information for many other purposes [ 1 ] .
3 Clark 's introduction of death is even less convincing and here , I think , we might even object to the use of the same form of words for animals and human beings .
4 The liberals of Cadiz were not primarily concerned with a socially desirable redistribution of landed property but rather with the establishment of clear and absolute property rights — the Roman Law notion of jus utendi et abutendi as against the medieval confusions of multiple claims to enjoy the use of the same piece of property .
5 The use of the same word in everyday language ( the force of circumstance , gale-force-winds , the force of an argument , etc. ) is imprecise just because the corresponding theories are multifarious and imprecise .
6 The use of the same stylised figure made this exhibition read as a story , the same figure entering into a different tale in each work .
7 ( There is often a degree of integration between these ; this aims for the use of the same key-presses for the same effects and allows the transfer of data between functions . )
8 Systematic mnemonics is the use of the same notation for a given topic wherever that topic occurs .
9 The use of the same title for the February and March 1993 talks is not a mistake .
10 The use of the same subjects both when shadowing was and was not involved may also have altered this result by accounting for any individual anomalies .
11 The use of the same hardware and software ( BBC-B and KWIRS ) each time , means that emphasis will be placed on the information aspect rather than the technological aspects of the information retrieval system .
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