Example sentences of "[art] total [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Will he now answer the question why in the other 11 countries of the European Community the total rise in unemployment in the past 12 months has been 130,000 , while in this country , for which the right hon. Gentleman is responsible , unemployment has risen by nearly 800,000 ?
2 The most important concept of Islam is the Shari'a , or the ‘ path ’ , which embraces the total way of life ordained by God .
3 The total income from tourism would then equal our present income from North Sea Oil — heralded in the past as a saviour and bonanza .
4 With the fees for shooting hill stags currently averaging £200 to £250 , the total income from commercial lets is £1.5–£2 million .
5 However the total income from rent was a gross £36 6 0d : from that had to be deducted a quit rent of 13s 4d to St. Bartholomew 's Hospital , leaving 18 12 8d ( after the other deductions ) to be appropriated by the Company .
6 Thus , the enrichment of the total mixture of amino acids will be dependant on variations in the concentration of glycine , making the procedure unreliable .
7 In Britain and in the Netherlands it accounts For about 10 per cent of the total consumption of sugar , in Ireland for 8 per cent , in Germany and France for about 5 per cent .
8 In recent years , however , the Public Trustee has only had a small and declining proportion of the total work of trusteeship and executorship ( see p. 114 ) , and in 1972 a Committee of Enquiry recommended that no new work should be taken on , and that the office be wound up and merged with that of the Official Solicitor .
9 We looked at the total incidence of gonorrhoea ; the number of cases of gonorrhoea found in men overall and in homosexual men ; the male to female ratio of cases of gonorrhoea ; and the number of new cases of HIV infection diagnosed in homosexual men ( table ) .
10 Homi Bhabha finds that Fanon most profoundly evokes the colonial condition not in his yearning for ‘ the total transformation of Man and Society ’ , nor in his appeal to the human essence ( though ‘ he lapses into such a lament in his more existential moment ’ ) , but in his understanding of the workings of ‘ image and fantasy — those orders that figure transgressively on the borders of history and the unconscious ’ ( foreword to Fanon , Black Skin , p. xiii ) .
11 In Germany the total return to capital is shown by areas 9 + 10 , and areas 6 + 7 + 8 are the payments to labour .
12 We can work out the total increase in income by recalling that the slope of the withdrawals line is equal to the sum of the marginal propensities to save and import ( given that , in this model , the marginal propensity to tax is zero ) .
13 For example , the public sector services ( the bottom three categories in Table 3. 1 ) , grew rapidly in the 1960s and early 1970s and accounted for over half the total increase in service jobs in this period .
14 Dilnot and Kell felt that any ‘ incentive ’ effect which may have been present could only account , at most , for 1.2bn or 3% of the total increase in tax revenues over the period studied .
15 Over the period 1957–65 for US manufacturing , extra sales by overseas subsidiaries counted for an estimated 13 per cent of the total increase in production ( additional exports accounted for only a trivial 2 per cent ) .
16 The DES ( 1984b ) reports some work to identify a link between the proportion entering higher education of those qualified ( QPI ) and unemployment , and conclude from some aggregate level analyses that if these results are valid they imply that much of 2.1 per cent rise in QPI in 1981/82 could be attributed to the total increase in unemployment — from 1.8 million to 2.7 million between July , 1980 and July , 1981 .
17 To ask the Secretary of State for Employment what is the total increase in uneployment throughout the countries of the Common Market during the past year ; and what was the percentage of that increase in the United Kingdom .
18 The next sections are for those who wish to reach that ultimate being within , and touch the total freedom of action .
19 Higher education , like FE , is part of the total system of education .
20 They have done so as technology has altered the source of profits in the total system of supply .
21 That 's the total price including VAT
22 The total price including VAT , what do you say next ?
23 If the total flow of money available to finance wages and salaries were rising , at a steady but moderate rate ( say , 5 per cent per annum ) , both unemployment and inflationary rises of prices and costs could be avoided , provided that money wage rates themselves were not allowed to rise at inappropriately high rates .
24 of the total yield of income tax , compared with 24 per cent .
25 Any allocation in which different firms have different marginal costs of reducing pollution is a socially inefficient way to reduce the total quantity of pollution .
26 Thus , regulating the total quantity of pollution and conducting a series of spot checks on individual producers to see that they are not violating agreed standards is a relatively simple policy which may avoid the worst outcomes .
27 Thus , the total quantity of pollution is regulated , but firms that can cheaply reduce pollution have an incentive to do so , and sell off the ERC to firms for which pollution reduction is more expensive .
28 the date when the total quantity of petroleum won and saved from the original 8.62608 per cent interest in the Ninian field attributable to the Group reaches 120 million barrels ; or
29 Think of the total quantity of change involved in going from wolf to Chihuahua , and then multiply it up by the number of walking paces between London and Baghdad .
30 Because the total quantity of water is known , accurate quantities of medication can be added .
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