Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [prep] the moment " in BNC.

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1 Caught up in the hysteria of the moment , Hoc ran blindly with the milling crowd , still clutching the bloodstained coupe-coupe with which he 'd felled the Corsican .
2 A month later , after the Allied liberation of Italy , eight senior military men presented a petition inviting Franco to consider the opportunity of the moment for restoring the monarchy .
3 There is the unity of the moment : different tactile and proprioceptive sensations amount to a coherent body image ; different visual sensations cohere to a visual field ; and sensations from different modalities converge to a general sensory field , an organized moment-by-moment presence of a world , so that the feeling in my hand as I hold a stone , the sight of the sea and the sound of the seagull behind me are all not merely present but co-present .
4 But , in the euphoria of the moment , were the local breeders blinding themselves to the fact that what they were really doing was preserving freaks ?
5 Amazingly , the euphoria of the moment when Jim Milligan secured his vital ½ point is still there to be savoured .
6 Now some people , even though the Green Party has er been an established party for some time now , might feel that er it , this is the Green Party perhaps coming of age because it does n't sound like a Green issue , you 're , you 're discussing things across the board at the moment are n't you
7 If a total of less than 1% of the population is undefined then the errors are unlikely to be great , but the reliability of the moments decreases sharply as the proportions of undefined materials increases , and the technique should not be used with a higher proportion of unknowns notwithstanding the convenience and availability of pocket calculators suitable to perform the arithmetic .
8 She had read of Cupid , the little god of love , and of his wicked darts piercing the heart at the moment of understood love , and she had laughed a little at the idea ; but one of them had struck home at last , and she knew that on the two previous occasions when she had previously and disastrously thought herself in love it had not been love at all …
9 We have n't got the money at the moment we have
10 But if it continues to gain in stature , as is the case at the moment , then the necessary resources ought to be put into it by those who hold the purse-strings of archaeology .
11 ‘ If I was the best second row forward in England I 'd hope to get into the side , but that 's not the case at the moment , ’ he said .
12 It also suggests that , given the inevitably subjective nature of much decision making within this area , proposed changes to child care law and procedure should take more account of family rights and due process of law than is the case at the moment .
13 Ironically , now we 're probably moving into a new era where sunshine is actually seen as something harmful giving things like skin cancer , er certainly in the Australia market it 's the case at the moment .
14 However , one local authority should not receive double the amount of grant received by another only a few miles away for the provision of exactly the same level of service , which is the case at the moment .
15 Not only have we been successful in raising the level of understanding of AI , expert systems in particular , but we have also now got several people within the Branch who have practical knowledge of applying the techniques ; although not necessarily active in the field at the moment , this expertise must pay dividends in the future .
16 This is Whitlow play getting congested into the middle third of the field at the moment .
17 Because that information is not in the computer at the moment .
18 His ears show that his full attention was focused on the photographer until the moment of exposure , when a noise on the left switched one ear in that direction .
19 With an effort , she drove from her mind the thought of the return journey , filling it instead with the experience of the moment , absorbing the sights , the impressions and sensations , storing them in her brain , wishing she had a notebook with her so that she could record them in all their vividness and immediacy .
20 It does n't work for her the mistress of the moment of sudden isolation at not seeing back to the black magician who fantastically juggles luminous hoops in the recto-rectangular hey put my mirror back .
21 I think the difficulty at the moment , because with that it 's a trial , only a certain amount of people have been trained in those roles and trainees are moved around a lot
22 I hear what you say , and I hesitate to make any further comment on that , given the current climate , but let's set about just examining the shape of the difficulty at the moment , and see what we can as it were immediately deal with ourselves , and what we can try and persuade other people to help us to know .
23 Somehow she stumbled to her feet , Suzie forgotten in the horror of the moment , as she sought her own safety .
24 An external observer at rest who detects the flash at the moment that it reaches the roof would see it Doppler shifted to a lower frequency than observed in the source frame .
25 ‘ We are riding the storm at the moment but things are getting worse in the recession , ’ said George .
26 THE toy of the moment this Christmas may cost a small fortune but when the kids get bored with it , you 're left with more junk .
27 That put her out of the fight for the moment .
28 The Smiths succeeded because they followed their natural instincts and disregarded the trendiness of the moment .
29 It er I do n't think a lot of the curriculum at the moment and erm you , you ask most teachers and they just say , grrr , forget that you know ?
30 The tension of the moment was broken by a groan from the corner .
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