Example sentences of "[art] [noun] to return to the " in BNC.

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1 WITH Midnight Cowboy in the can , Dustin was given the opportunity to return to the stage in the title role of Jimmy Shine , a Broadway-bound play by his friend Murray Schisgal .
2 Trade unions were already suffering , and the implementation of the decision to return to the gold standard augured badly for the staple export industries .
3 The decision to return to the gold standard , and to operate it , often necessitated the rise of interest rates which acted as a burden upon the exporting industries just as the reflation of the pound had made exporting more difficult .
4 The decision to return to the States was taken after a visit to a specialist this week , and Palace physio David West will accompany him on the trip .
5 Involvement of the valve of the aorta ( the large main artery , emerging from the heart ) , can cause this valve to become inefficient , so that instead of closing fully after each pumping beat of the heart , it remains partly open , allowing a proportion of the blood to return to the heart instead of passing on round the body .
6 At first it was felt that this was caused by their failure to understand what was required of them despite being notified by the Board , the NEC , through the pages of The Embalmer as well as at Divisional meetings , but it is apparent that there is an element of tutors who deliberately do not follow the guidelines and rules , ignore well publicised and individually notified closing dates for entry and submission of coursework results , presumably to try and ‘ force ’ the Institute to return to the ‘ old ’ system .
7 This ceased in 1986 , when I left the Midlands to return to the family home to help my sister in caring for our father , who died in 1988 at the age of 99 .
8 So the best way to begin to understand such a belief system would be in terms of the emotions and unconscious feelings involved ; in this case , the wish to live again in Hinduism , and in Buddhism the desire to return to the womb-like state — Nirvana .
9 Was it possible that the desire to return to the Vita Apostolica , the simple life of prayer , personal austerity and poverty was reconcilable with the Petrine commission and all the pomp and authority that suggested ?
10 Its whole tenor was positive , with particular stress being put upon the need to return to the original languages in which the sacred texts had been composed .
11 From the outset he was at odds with the Conservatives , nominally his own party , who increasingly saw the return to normalcy , along with the need to return to the governmental conventions of party politics of the pre-war era , as the top priority .
12 Her complaint was that she had the right to return to the job she had left : if this was not possible because of redundancy , she had a right under s 45(3) of the Employment Protection ( Consolidation ) Act 1978 to be offered alternative employment if there was a suitable available vacancy .
13 Let's now use the biomorphs to return to the point made by the monkeys typing Hamlet , the importance of gradual , step-by-step change in evolution , as opposed to pure chance .
14 The urge to return to the sea is now so great that they will wriggle out of a pond and cross dew-drenched meadows if that is necessary to reach a stream that will lead them to salt water .
15 He said the two countries had agreed to intensify their joint efforts to ‘ re-energise the peace process ’ , to encourage the partners to return to the negotiations , and to work together to achieve an early resumption of the next round of talks .
16 It was announced on March 20 that Jiri Dienstbier , the Czechoslovak Foreign Minister , had rescinded the previous regime 's decision to expel UK , US and Canadian diplomats who had supported the Czechoslovak human rights movement Charter 77 , and had invited the diplomats to return to the country at any time .
17 They emerge into a beautifully peaceful park or garden , usually meeting a benevolent old man , and then are sent back through the tunnel to return to the physical world .
18 Were the defeats of the coal strike/lock-out and the General Strike vital in permitting the Government to return to the political economy of normalcy , which was referred to in Chapter 1 ?
19 Were the defeats of the coal strike/lock-out and the General Strike vital in permitting the Government to return to the political economy of normalcy , which was referred to in Chapter 1 ?
20 At the end of the subroutine , the RETURN statement causes the program to return to the statement after the GOSUB statement .
21 In fact , in order really to explain to the reader what he is getting at , Wordsworth , like Locke , has in the end to return to the period before memory can help us .
22 Neil Jenkins of Pontypridd was badly exposed last season and the summer tour to Australia was truly a baptism by fire , but he has the physique to return to the top level if his confidence can be restored .
23 Cheap fares were available only for the westward journey , so that the disincentive to return to the East was considerable .
24 Theatre staff usually wait until the patient 's vital signs are stabilizing before allowing the patient to return to the ward .
25 Many differentiated cells retain the ability to return to the cell cycle when confronted with the appropriate mitogenic stimulus .
26 The chairman was Jack Bennett , a former member of the CPNI ; he came from a Protestant background and had led a campaign in the late 1950s to get the CPNI to return to the pro-republican line of the Irish Communists in the 1930s .
27 Pie accepted it without question or thanks , then shook Estabrook 's hand and left the trespassers to return to the safety of their car .
28 THE REPLACEMENTS ' singer Paul Westerberg is about to begin work on his first solo LP , and has indicated that he has no plans to return to the group .
29 An early lunch and a failure to return to the office afterwards was not how Derek would have wished to start the week at Fithyan & co .
30 The Duke of Edinburgh , who was baptised into the Greek Orthodoox Church , has already privately expressed a desire to return to the church of his birth , which is in communion with the Russian Orthodox Church .
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