Example sentences of "[art] [noun] whatever [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Having been Chief Secretary to the Treasury before becoming Chancellor , and Chancellor before becoming Prime Minister , is the Prime Minister really trying to tell us that he bears no responsibility whatever for the recession ?
2 It must be emphasized that relatives remoter than parents , or brothers or sisters of the whole blood , and children of such brothers and sisters deceased , can succeed to no part whatever of the estate , if there is a surviving spouse .
3 Only next day did we discover that he had no part whatever in the plot — to Mr Wrong of Colchester , our apologies !
4 Lord Hunter had been unable to free himself from the idea of Meehan as a participant any more than Sir Daniel Brabin had been able to free himself from the assumption of Timothy Evans 's guilt ; neither could bring himself to admit , perhaps for the sake of the reputation of their profession , that the miscarriage of justice had been total , that Meehan as much as Evans had played no part whatever in the crime with which he had been charged .
5 Kee establishes , quite convincingly , that Jesus in effect played no part whatever in the religion of Constantine .
6 As those versed in the Bible will know , the Gospel of Mark begins at the Temptations and contains no mention whatever of the birth of Jesus .
7 Whereas the discussion of strain and its measures involves kinematics only and may be conducted with no mention whatever of the forces that cause the deformation we must when considering stress involve ourselves in mechanics , that is , the nature of the forces operating on a system and the application of Newton 's laws ( we exclude in this discussion any relativistic effects ) .
8 I could discover no mention whatever of the fact that this conference was going on in its city erm but there was one mention of evolution .
9 This is especially so as the local plan makes no reference whatever to the proposal to effectively change from a washed-over to an inset status , while the greenbelt local plan refers to that change only by the one word , quote proposed unquote , in parentheses on page twenty five of the deposit copy .
10 But I can see no reference whatever to the Further and Higher Education Bill [ Lords ] .
11 Actually it would n't be half so bad , if only the other members behaved normally ( i.e. paid no attention whatever to the MP who is speaking ) .
12 The nineteenth century headteacher who knew he was right that God loved everyone , and would therefore thrash any boy who did not acknowledge that , had in fact paid almost no attention whatever to the content of his belief .
13 The results were ‘ very reassuring ’ with ‘ no sign whatever of the damage seen in West Germany or any unexpected abnormalities ’ .
14 In particular , there was ‘ no sign whatever of the yellowing of needles which characterises the damage occurring in German forests ’ .
15 Will he please ensure that there is no slippage whatever in the time scale for the resignalling from Bethnal Green to Chelmsford which would obviously substantially enhance the service ?
16 Yet how can we get a picture of the way in which it is possible to accept both that a task is done by rules ( for it is certainly not done randomly ) and yet the performer has no access whatever to the rules ?
17 Selene was a mousy little creature , unlike the radiant Dinah , and with no prospects whatever on the stage .
18 But while the sobriquet of ‘ Canaanite ’ might have meant something some two thousand years before , in Old Testament times , it makes no sense whatever in the context of the New Testament .
19 There may have been no understanding whatever of the concept of not being able to see as well as other people .
20 The figure before me bore no relation whatever to the Alec I remembered .
21 Comroe notes , ‘ Our analysis showed that 217 of the 529 key articles ( 41 per cent ) reported work that , at the time it was done , had no relation whatever to the disease that it later helped to prevent , diagnose , treat , or alleviate ’ .
22 Whatever perplexities there may be about ontology ( that is , about the nature of the reality described ) there is no perplexity whatever about the procedures .
23 There can be no doubt whatever about the validity of this method , and no doubt either that its description has been and remains a matter of controversy , or of several controversies .
24 PUBLISHERS AND BOOKSELLERS , for generally apparent reasons , are very fond indeed of the dedicated book buyer , while at the same time having no regard whatever for the collector of books .
25 I am just a very satisfied user and have no connection whatever with the makers of Carbonflo .
26 Of course , it wo n't have much to spark the interest of the up-market end of the Murdoch empire , since the writer in question had no connection whatever with the Soviet Communist party , although he is pretty partial to Tottenham Hotspur .
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