Example sentences of "precisely [art] " in BNC.

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1 The whole Western idea of mental health runs in precisely the opposite direction : what is desirable is congruity between your self-consciousness and your natural being .
2 Within this statement , which is rhetorical for some but deadly serious for others within the GAA , lies precisely the reason why the protestants of the North are so opposed to the development of Gaelic games and seek to oppose their extension if and when they can .
3 Genius is precisely the word one does not feel tempted to use .
4 Those which have are reaping impressive rewards simply by identifying precisely the services or products customers want ; looking at their most lucrative areas ; finding out what clients really value ; and establishing what would make them move to a competing hotel .
5 If you and the opponent land scoring techniques on each other at precisely the same time , then neither score will be given .
6 The fourth point is the one that requires the greatest skill because it presupposes that you apply the hook at precisely the right time .
7 The generation that rediscovered the existential was precisely the one best fitted to look and think ‘ within ’ , which is not unrealism , but a different form of realism — and one unavoidable to such as Leonard , given the horrors inflicted on his own people by the most ‘ culturally advanced ’ nation of the day .
8 When the light comes on at precisely the same time each night and the curtains are n't drawn , it 's clear the house is empty .
9 But it appeared at precisely the right moment to catch the poststructuralist tide associated with Derrida and the later Barthes , and several of the most influential titles brought together , rather uneasily , poststructuralism and Marxism .
10 For on nearly every American campus there is an atelier in the shape of a ‘ Creative Writing programme ’ , whereas on no British campus is there any such thing , and indeed the British scoff at the mere possibility — on precisely the grounds that Newbolt here puts forward .
11 How any of this was relevant to twentieth-century America was precisely the question that Williams had raised when he jeered at ‘ parodies of the middle ages , Dante and Langue D'Oc ’ being presented as ‘ the best in United States poetry ’ .
12 Bridgend raised their game against Wales ; now Wales must do precisely the same against New Zealand .
13 Lonsdale finds that , as the century progressed , increasing refinement of taste led to a loss of the informality , humour and immediacy that he prizes most ; and it was precisely the strained and highflown verse that was eclipsed by the success of Lyrical Ballads .
14 He said he did not ‘ idealise ’ the European order , ‘ but until now , it is precisely the recognition of post-war realities that ensures peace in Europe .
15 ‘ In multicountry research , the extent to which questions are formulated in precisely the same terms needs to be considered .
16 This is precisely the purpose with which it was framed by its authors in the United Nations .
17 It is ironic that by privileging sexual difference Scruton shows himself the victim of precisely the modern intensification of sexuality which in other ways he might regard as contributing to a legitimation of the perversions he repudiates .
18 Again he is taking over precisely the ‘ modern ’ definitions and oppositions , between the normal and pathological , the natural and unnatural , etc. , which have been shown to be both confused and ideological in the narrow sense .
19 This was precisely the approach Pearce adopted when he was asked by the Conservative Government to become chairman of British Aerospace in 1980 to prepare it for privatisation .
20 This magnanimity is precisely the problem .
21 The French did precisely the same thing . ’
22 ‘ By an astonishing coincidence in the examiners ’ model solution precisely the same piece of goobledegook appears at precisely the same point . ’
23 ‘ By an astonishing coincidence in the examiners ’ model solution precisely the same piece of goobledegook appears at precisely the same point . ’
24 Polarisation in Israel there certainly is , but if one applies the same broad definition of ‘ moderate ’ and ‘ extremist ’ to the Israelis as one does to the Palestinians , one can not but conclude that precisely the reverse situation prevails among them , that it is their Jibrils and Abu Musas — or religious fundamentalists in the Hamas mould — who hold sway .
25 At precisely the right moment , a heavily-built fellow with a black beard arrived and paced about , staring this way and that as if waiting impatiently for another to arrive .
26 Fact is , it 's precisely the too-thorough internalization of punk 's dread of the hippy and the resulting strategy of self-limitation that has led to a wholly different kind of dire stasis .
27 ( Precisely the immersion-in-myth , the plunge , that our knowing pop double agents refuse to make . )
28 Which is precisely the point .
29 Its acquisition of NCR is moving the company in precisely the opposite direction
30 It is , of course , precisely the concern with such matters , the concern with ‘ method ’ and the nature of ‘ natural philosophy ’ that has often been the topic of discussion in previous chapters .
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