Example sentences of "[prep] nearly every [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 Salha was a woman of strong , open and reassuring character whose links with the women of nearly every household in Huaiwiri through her own daughters and her mother 's sisters ' descent in the women 's line ensured that she had influence in all households .
2 This partly explains the desperate desire of nearly every function in the business to be represented on the board or the management committee .
3 These days you can buy fitted furniture for nearly every room in the house — the kitchen , the bedroom and even the bathroom .
4 In nearly every street in Whitechapel there was a Levy or a Cohen , an Abrahams , Moses or Grossman — sometimes living together in one area , sometimes striking out on their own .
5 In Oxfordshire the Stonesfield slate-pits and mines shut down one by one during the second half of the nineteenth century ; in Leicestershire the Swithland slate-quarries , which had been worked since Henry III 's time , shut down altogether in 1887 ; and so it was in nearly every county in England .
6 If a customer is known to buy from nearly every producer in the field then it will be very difficult to establish speciality .
7 Government and EEC subsidies result in gross over-capitalization on nearly every farm in the land .
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