Example sentences of "[prep] trying [to-vb] [pers pn] with " in BNC.

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1 In September of that year he wrote to Pepys , Locke and other friends accusing them of being atheists or Catholics , and of trying to embroil him with women .
2 erm And , of course , that was a symbol of all the problems of money that the king had , and the ordinary citizens of Oxford had in trying to provide him with it , mostly very reluctantly and unwillingly .
3 I , too , felt our meeting in Henry 's office was useful and I look forward to trying to provide you with a resource which you will find relevant .
4 ‘ Forgive me , ’ I prayed , ‘ for trying to bribe you with emotion . ’
5 I have always thought that maybe I had damaged the transfer needle by trying to use it with the ribber bed on half pitch .
6 So a stallion may respond to punishment from us by trying to kick us with greater determination instead .
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