Example sentences of "[prep] political [noun] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 However , it is often also expedient for political executives to conceal the reasons for their decisions behind a veil of secrecy , so bureaucrats and politicians may be drawn into an alliance against other politicians ( the Opposition ) and the public to enhance their collective power through confidentiality .
2 Popular pressure for political reforms induced the then ruling MLSTP to initiate a transition to a multiparty system of government in December 1989 [ see p. 37479 ] .
3 The scope for political exchange complicates the nature of bargaining in state enterprise industrial relations .
4 But the movement for political rights overlooked the immensely conservative tendencies inherent in the structure of the surrounding society and particularly the institution of the family .
5 He has put down a Commons motion condemning the Defence Secretary for ‘ the arbitrary action which he is taking to extinguish the ancient rights of common [ … ] for political reasons to prevent the women 's peace camp from continuing their peaceful demonstrations ’ .
6 Cash LME copper jumped by £54.50 a tonne , helped by persistent buying in New York and concern about political pressure to close the Ok Tedi mine in Papua New Guinea .
7 This on the contrary is the work of political genius requiring the ripest wisdom and the freshest vigour , and it is done with an elegance and a style that will compel and will receive an instinctive respect throughout the civilized world .
8 Its century of political independence forestalled the possibility of ‘ skipping ’ this stage , as was proposed for the colonial countries of the East .
9 An ardent sentiment of revolutionary romanticism tempered by a clear sense of political realism formed the texture of Nizan 's thinking at this juncture .
10 The power resources of bureaucracies combine with what Wright has called the ‘ political incapacity of non-bureaucrats ’ ( 1978 , p. 225 ) — that is , the inability of political institutions to exercise the control and direction of bureaucracy which the classical liberal theory of the state presumes — so as to give bureaucracy a prominent role in policy-making .
11 Above all , this kind of political romanticism fosters the view that future arrangements can be attained when conflict and dispute will no longer take place , having been replaced by eternal harmony .
12 Public choice theory is an approach to the study of political decision-making using the tools of orthodox economic theory ( of the type discussed in Chapter 3 , section 3.2 ) .
13 In its beginnings , therefore , modern nationalism can be seen as one aspect of a class movement which found political expression in a general struggle for democracy ; manifesting itself most clearly in the American Revolution — interpreted by some scholars as the formation of the ‘ first new nation ’ ( Lipset , 1967 ) — and in the French Revolution , which together established the model of a new kind of political system embodying the ideas of ‘ citizenship ’ and ‘ popular sovereignty ’ .
14 My account of political integrity takes the personification much more seriously , as if a political community really were some special kind of entity distinct from the actual people who are its citizens .
15 The idea of political integrity personifies the community in the second way , as a working personification , because it assumes that the community can adopt and express and be faithful or unfaithful to principles of its own , distinct from those of any of its officials or citizens as individuals .
16 They have been established in recognition of the fact that it is pointless to wait for public sympathy and a change of political will to improve the level of basic old age pensions , and the quality of life for older people generally .
17 She added : ‘ I am no prude , but I was deeply shocked that such material is now widely available largely because of the lack of political will to tackle the weakness of the Obscene Publications Act . ’
18 The major inhibiting factor , referred to elsewhere in this text , is the lack of political will to reform the general framework of financial management , and to define more clearly the scope of programme objectives .
19 They claimed to be victims of political persecution following the military crackdown on student protesters .
20 The accord allowed for ( i ) the ratification of the March 1990 Oslo accord to seek peace through political means [ see p. 37372 ] ; ( ii ) the promotion of democracy via constitutional and judicial reforms in order to incorporate all political and social sectors in a society based on respect for the law and the independence of the state , and capable of providing for general welfare , social justice and independent economic development ; ( iii ) the incorporation of the URNG into the main political process and its participation in a National Constituent Assembly to be convened by the political parties in 1991 ; and ( iv ) periodic meetings between the URNG and representatives of political parties to accelerate the achievement of the objectives of the peace process .
21 It was also reported that the Odinga faction met legal difficulties when attempting to have the results of its internal elections validated , the Matiba group having lodged a complaint with the registrar of political parties questioning the legitimacy of the Odinga congress .
22 Finally , ‘ payment by results ’ has been interpreted to exemplify a state-controlled curriculum , the deliberate use of political power to mould the minds of the young .
23 Although the Peace Tax Campaign has so far eschewed the use of extra-constitutional forms of dissent , confining itself for the most part to orthodox expressions of protest such as parliamentary lobbying and legal action in the courts , the failure of conventional forms of political protest to influence the prevailing defence strategy/taxation policy could have important implications regarding the future choice of tactics to be used .
24 A month of political unrest followed the killing of at least 12 people during a one-day general strike in the capital , Kathmandu , on April 6 .
25 Like the labour movement in its formative period — like Chartism , or the early trade unions , or the utopian communities — the social movements of the 1960s were movements of liberation seeking an adequate doctrine and mode of political action to combat the most oppressive features of the societies in which they developed ; thus they directed their activities variously against colonial rule , domination by external economic powers , the rule of feudal-military elites , ethnic subordination , the subjection of women , or the domination of society by a rigid , centralized and bureaucratic apparatus .
26 Prime ministerial manipulation of the machine in the UK ( Pollitt , 1984 ) , and the battles between presidents and Congresses over the structure of the machine in the USA , illustrate the capacity of political elites to reorganize the state ( subject to internal disagreements and objectives amongst the relevant elites ) .
27 The story has then been one of the dynamic interaction of politics and economics , with political change affecting the economy — so far mainly for the worse — and economic crisis sharpening the political struggle .
28 In education , the sense of direction , and the evaluation of its various purposes , is subject to national and local policies with political imperatives providing the stimulus for change .
29 In effect , professional and financial factors combined with political pressures to strengthen the camp of those who pressed for the reform of ORTF .
30 The prospect of fresh elections marked a dramatic turnaround in political events following the military crackdown on pro-democracy demonstrations in May [ see pp. 38894-95 ] .
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