Example sentences of "[prep] any time since [art] " in BNC.

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1 This is particularly true today : even in the recession-hit 1990s , brewers are spending increasing amounts on pub refurbishment — more on pubs , indeed , than at any time since the 1930s .
2 Britain 's productive capacity was falling more rapidly than at any time since the dawn of the industrial age .
3 BRITAIN 'S shopkeepers are gloomier than at any time since the early 1980s , according to a survey published yesterday .
4 BRITAIN 'S shopkeepers are gloomier than at any time since the early 1980s , according to a survey published yesterday .
5 During the rest of the 1990s the number of youngsters entering the workforce each year will be smaller than at any time since the second world war ; but two-fifths will be from minorities , mostly Hispanics and blacks .
6 In the past decade Leapor 's work has received more attention than at any time since the 1750s .
7 It is a decay that became inevitable when the infamous Beeching Plan substituted the crass motif of economic viability for that of communal need , and ripped out the steel vertebrae of the nation , leaving whole areas more isolated than they had been at any time since the eighteenth century .
8 Indeed , under Labour governments professional economists experienced — and probably enjoyed — more political limelight than at any time since the Second World War .
9 Firms ' financing needs are greater than at any time since the 1974 oil shock .
10 Indeed , the Married Man 's Tax Allowance has recently been re-confirmed despite strong criticism of it ( for example , Equal Opportunities Commission , 1982b ) : in the March 1984 budget the allowance went up so that in real terms it is now higher than at any time since the war ( Financial Times , 14 March 1984 ) .
11 Nineteen days after the Sunday when he was deemed to have no alternative than to resign in ignominy his leadership was more secure than at any time since the 1929 election .
12 You will remember at that time there was probably a stronger pacifist feeling running through the country than at any time since the War .
13 Bigwig was racing back across the field , looking more agitated than he had at any time since the encounter with Captain Holly .
14 By 1800 Spain was producing more wheat at steadier prices than at any time since the sixteenth century .
15 The sudden disturbing plunge into the jungle in the cloying heat of the Saigon River had made her more intensely aware of her body than at any time since the fevered days of adolescence .
16 Indeed , it is now higher than at any time since the early 1960s .
17 The television experiment was given greater significance , however , by the recent radical changes in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union ; at the time when TV Martí began transmitting the Castro regime appeared more beleaguered and vulnerable to outside subversion than at any time since the early 1960s .
18 This decline continued , and in the 1520s wage-earners had less purchasing power than at any time since the 1370s [ A.1 ] .
19 It is not easy to judge from the vantage-point of the late twentieth century , for in the second half of this century rural life has been more profoundly transformed than at any time since the invention of agriculture .
20 Fewer trees are being planted in the UK presently than at any time since the war , according to the timber industry body , Timber Growers UK .
21 Last night you made me feel more alive than at any time since the crash .
22 ‘ Under the Conservatives more homeowners have lost their homes than at any time since the war .
23 According to figures published by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds , the long hot spell over the summer meant that more birds of prey came to our shores than at any time since the eighteen nineties .
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