Example sentences of "[prep] people live [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 But plans to build the hospice on a site in Upton , Wirral , were blocked after people living near the proposed development claimed the centre would cause too much disturbance and a colony of protected bats would be driven away .
2 The total number of people living below the poverty line ( $370 per year ) in the ‘ developing ’ world will only decline slightly from present levels ( 1,125 million ) to about 825 millions by 2000 .
3 Surveying rural poverty in 114 nations with sizeable rural landholding populations , the report shows that the number of people living below the poverty line has increased by 40 per cent in the past 20 years .
4 This is because kinship links are strongly morally and socially charged , while those between worker and employer are impersonal , because kinship implies reciprocal rights and duties while the capitalist has all the rights and the worker all the duties , because kinship links can not be broken at will while those of the labour market can , and because , as Marx and Engels wrongly believed , kinship links are egalitarian and non-exploitative ; that is , they do not involve one group of people living on the back of another .
5 Millions of people living on the streets .
6 Millions of people living on the streets , congestion , pollution yet through it all , caring and a friendship which are not easy to come by even in the richest parts of the Western World .
7 It also suggests that the presence of toxic chemicals in reproductive tracts of people living near the Lakes " could be a factor contributing to the otherwise unexplained declines in North American fertility rates " .
8 Whether or not the Camelford aluminium case is ever proved to have led to long-term damage to the health of people living in the area , it was certainly a major pollution incident .
9 At one stage the Hinkley Point site was said to be officially designated as ‘ remote ’ , because the number of people living in the immediate vicinity was small — about 1,500 .
10 However , we have made allowance for housing costs and for the personal expenditures of people living in the community at the end of the analysis .
11 The sense of division which exists is a comparatively new phenomenon , at least to judge from the life histories and recollections of people living in the area .
12 Yet its adoption as the language of primary education , and the increased mobility of people living in the country , means that the use of Swahili will spread .
13 Their names would not appear in the lists of people living in the shattered apartment blocks .
14 A SURVEY is to be carried out to assess the social and health needs of people living in the Brandywell area of Londonderry .
15 Based on the most serious accident which it was realistically supposed could occur , these plans set the limit of expected evacuation of people living round the Hinkley Point site at just over two miles .
16 Whilst CBHPs ( the projects providing co-ordinating staff ) are externally funded , most community effort is self-reliant which shows a powerful commitment considering that the majority of people live below the poverty level .
17 The announcements made by the Minister for Overseas Development a few minutes ago about the food situation were welcome , but people in Africa are starving and the terms of trade that they receive in their dealings with the developed countries , the problem of their huge indebtedness to the developed countries and the world order over which we now preside are such that hundreds of millions of people live on the edge of catastrophe .
18 Er lots of people live in the Peak District .
19 They 're also apparently with ill health and amongst people living in the surrounding area .
20 So , ’ he continued , ‘ if you had a tall skyscraper , say , with people living at the top , they will think everything at the bottom has shrunk — been squashed down — compared to normal . ’
21 So , art history only begins after the death of the work , but as long as the work lives , or at least in the first fifty years of its life , it communicates with people living in the same period who have accepted it or rejected it and who have talked about it .
22 It is also the custom of certain groups who have migrated to Britain to pool resources between kin , either between people living in the same household or sometimes across households ( Anwar , 1985 , pp. 52–5 ; Brah , 1986 ) .
23 Since we wished to compare arrest rates between people living in the same small areas , we needed to obtain population numbers for these areas .
24 As each year passed , the gap became wider between people living within the city boundary and families living in the relatively affluent suburbs of Greater Glasgow .
25 After all , we 're talking literally hundreds of jobs here , most for people living on the island .
26 He said work had just begun on the Rockwell site where landscaping and planting should encourage wildlife and provide a pleasant outlook for people living on the nearby new housing estate .
27 Skerne Park Community Action Group was set up in 1989 to improve the quality of life for people living on the estate .
28 It will create a number of jobs for people living in the area .
29 There are special arrangements for people living in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland or in the Isles of Scilly .
30 For people living in the same area , those in the most expensive properties should pay not more than three times as much — the maximum variation — as those in the least expensive properties .
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