Example sentences of "[prep] a recently [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When acting for a buyer of vacant land who intends to build on it , or for a buyer of a recently erected house , a hidden danger has recently been highlighted — the possibility that the foundations may be at risk of subsidence or of sliding either through infilling of the site , or a dangerous geological stratum .
2 As the managing director of a recently formed company with , to date , only one outlet , I was quite naturally looking for any help I could get , advisory or financially or both .
3 To the scribe of a recently discovered source of his Stabat mater , the composer was ‘ John Browne of Oxford ’ ( ‘ Oxoniensis ’ ) ; corroboration of Oxford as his working milieu is offered by the text of his eight-part O Maria , salvatoris mater , which includes among its invokees St Mary Magdalen and St Frideswide , the Oxford saint .
4 They clung to each other , speaking in desperate whispers , sharing the shock and terror of a recently confirmed test result .
5 ‘ Do n't you know who I am ? ’ she had demanded imperiously of a recently conscripted Bengali .
6 Passage is the unassuming title of a recently published collection of work by Irving Penn , one of America 's foremost photographers .
7 In 1716 , for example , the Duke of Montrose was hard pressed to maintain his political dominance of Glasgow when he was approached by a member of the university on behalf of a recently promoted lieutenant of Brigadier Preston 's regiment , one of the senior corps of the army .
8 Two or three weeks away from the home environment in a tense atmosphere at the site of a recently crashed aircraft where everyone , officials and public alike , is looking to you to resolve the puzzle of how it came about can be stimulating , even exciting .
9 ‘ The blotter , the enamel mug , the tea towel and the diary are all important and there 's what looks like a recently struck match in the grate ; we need that .
10 After the congress the BSP confirmed its intention of appealing to the constitutional court against a recently enacted law on the confiscation of party property , one of the first measures brought in by the country 's first wholly non-communist government formed in November [ see pp. 38583-84 ] .
11 As a recently joined member of CAMRA , I must say how appalled I was to read of the new rules for the Champion Beer of Britain Competition for 1992 .
12 Nikolai Ryzhkov , the Chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers ( Prime Minister ) , on March 14 threatened his own and his government 's resignation after his name was cited during exchanges in the Congress of People 's Deputies in connection with a recently discovered scandal centring on a plot illegally to export Soviet battle tanks to the West .
13 With a recently announced expansion , won in competition against plants in the USA and Japan , methanol usage at Barry will more than double over the next five years .
14 Halton council ( comprising the towns of Widnes and Runcorn ) in north-west England has signed a 20-year joint venture with a recently formed waste management company , Biomass Recycling , to reuse 98 per cent of the contents of domestic waste by 1995 .
15 Both were initiated by Billy , a 16-year-old with a recently acquired impairment who had only been with the group for a year .
16 There is a terrace with ornamental pools and café which affords excellent views over Funchal , together with a recently opened exhibition of exotic birds in the adjacent ‘ Jardim dos Louros ’ , it is a good half day excursion .
17 THE issue of access for disabled people was highlighted in a Herald and Post article two weeks ago when a wheelchair-bound man experienced difficulty getting into a recently refurbished Comber bookies shop .
18 The British government says that it finances nine projects , including a recently opened satellite station in Nepal , and that it sees no necessity for a separate fund .
19 Therefore it is understandable that he won a commission at the turn of the century from a recently formed Board of Agriculture for 200 portraits of representative breeds .
20 The first issue includes a memoir of John Banting by Peter Wills , an interview with Desmond Morris by Patricia Scanlan , several pieces on Edward Roditi , an extract from a recently published book on Lee Miller and an appreciation of Lee Miller by her son Antony Penrose and various newly-written poems , together with a few illustrations .
21 It might seem idiotic but a scene from a recently released Hollywood film about American football , the programme , depicts young players testing their bravery by lying in the middle of a busy road as the traffic drives by .
22 Nearer , a plump , important-looking individual was tallying the stores being unloaded from a recently arrived wagon , and from the armoury came a steady clanging as the blacksmith hammered the dents out of the shield of a knight , who stood by watching .
23 This variable , and others approximating to those listed by Thieblot and Haggard , are included in a recently formulated model by Canadian researchers .
24 The Advertiser was continuing to lose council advertising , Mr Isdale added , and public notices were now being placed in a recently established council newsletter .
25 On July 6 King Hussein denied any involvement in a recently reported coup attempt against Saddam Hussein [ see p. 39026 ] .
26 In a recently published case report an association between danthrone exposure and human cancer was suggested .
27 In a recently published pilot study , however , a H pylori eradication rate of 80% was achieved after two weeks ' treatment with omeprazole ( 40 mg ) and the new macrolide antibiotic clarithromycin ( 500 mg three times daily ) .
28 Public companies will be able to offer debenture and stockholders the option to receive summary financial statements , if draft regulations , contained in a recently published Department of Trade and Industry consultation document , get the go-ahead ( p 100 ) .
29 Public companies will be able to offer debenture and stockholders the option to receive summary financial statements , if draft regulations , contained in a recently published Department of Trade and Industry consultative document , get the go-ahead .
30 In a recently published report , a Common Land Forum ( set up by the Countryside Commission ) has recommended that the general public should be granted a right of legal access to all areas of common land .
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