Example sentences of "[prep] the [det] days [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Sitting near the window , with its view of the fire escape , smoking a joint he 'd bought in an amusement arcade , he wrote in a notebook about visiting Spanish towns , and the beaches , then about the few days in London because his imagination ran out on Spain with the end of the brochure about flamenco dancing and bullfights , and because what he was doing was more immediate .
2 The wood floated for many weeks , through the many days at sea many things happened like the strange shape it had formed from being slashed off by the sea .
3 ON ONE of the few days with sunshine recently I was shambling through Cavendish Square in the West End of London .
4 In the latter days of the Roman Empire his powers were assumed by the Emperor , or Divine Guide of the World .
5 Only in the latter days of the town 's life as a centre of county magnificence were any real attempts made to establish an overall urban form and both resulted in failure , at least as financial ventures .
6 However , in the latter days of steam , maintenance workers while near or inside the tunnel were absolutely convinced that they heard the sound of an approaching train .
7 For example , of all the spare-time activities reported by affluent workers and their wives in the few days before being interviewed 62 per cent were in or about the home itself .
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