Example sentences of "[prep] god 's [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 He had promised to give His spokesman the words to speak , and the chapter in front of us is a part of God 's message to Israel through Jeremiah .
2 We operate envelope schemes for Stewardship Giving to enable the work of God 's church to be provided and the maintenance of the buildings continued .
3 The fact that we do n't require the evidence of God 's existence to be overwhelming does not mean that we require no evidence of God 's existence at all .
4 His concern was to understand the dispensation of God 's Spirit to mankind .
5 In these days when inter-faith dialogue can easily slip into syncretism , and when man 's search for God can easily supplant all idea of God 's self-disclosure to man , it is most important to remember the emphatic union which the New Testament asserts between the Holy Spirit and Jesus .
6 God 's grace transforms our lives so that we become givers of God 's grace to others .
7 The technological control of nature characteristic of the West has been interpreted as the fulfilment of God 's command to Adam to exercise dominion over all the earth and over every living thing .
8 But a sign also of God 's commitment to his world .
9 But the message of Christmas is that God will never leave us and his love will endure for ever , which makes Christmas a real celebration of God 's commitment to our world and makes sense of all our hopes and dreams .
10 Nothing could make clearer the extent of God 's commitment to his world than the appearance of the Jacob stories so hard on the heels of those few stories about Isaac .
11 The opening words of God 's speech to Samuel are these : ‘ Behold , I am about to do a thing in Israel , at which the two ears of every one that hears it will tingle ’ ( v.
12 Exodus 16 and Numbers 11 belong to two series of passages which are concerned with God 's response to complaints of the people during their years in the wilderness .
13 One prophet who so remarkably combines a rebuking with a strongly consoling side to his ministry is Isaiah , and in a beautiful passage ( Isaiah 50:4,5 ) about God 's communication to man he says this :
14 Now is the time for God 's banner to be lifted high in that country .
15 He 's done all the work at the scene — all anyone can do — and then he has to cool his heels with the rest of us , waiting for God 's gift to forensic pathology to come screaming up with a police escort and break the news to us that what we all thought was a corpse is — surprise , surprise indeed a corpse , and that we can safely move the body . "
16 I have mentioned one example of such imagery already — the comparison between God 's relation to the world and salt dissolving in water .
17 Both bring into play the Easter office and order for the Mass on Good Friday where Christ is given words of reproach based on texts from Lamentations , Jeremias and Micheas ( Micah ) to stress the contrast between God 's goodness to his people under the old covenant and their crucifixion of his Son .
18 Who , anyway , would want to read an autobiography of someone who saw himself as God 's gift to aviation and the RAF in particular ?
19 The Thalidomide drug may once have been described as God 's gift to expectant mothers .
20 Three weeks ago , we looked at God 's call to Jeremiah ; it taught us about God , and about the prophet who had been called to be God 's spokesman to His people Israel .
21 Now I 'm not quite sure whether it 's because we 've known , like Naomi , we 've we know periods of barrenness and leanness that his blessing seems so much more , I do n't know if that 's what it is , or whether it is just because his blessings are so bountiful , but she is overwhelmed by God 's goodness and by God 's blessing to her they could now experience God 's blessing .
22 Indeed I own myself unworthy and I long to be the servant of even the least religious in the Church of God and I hope by God 's grace to be made a sharer with them …
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