Example sentences of "[prep] send [pron] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Of course , for the wealthiest strata there is always the option of sending their children to elite private schools , while other urban parents make sacrifices to send their children to the fee-paying schools which have sprung up since 1977 especially to meet the unfulfilled demand for secondary education .
2 If a manufacturer can have a certain conveniency of sending his goods by water carriage within four miles of his own home , surely that is sufficient , and profit enough , considering that other people must thrive as well as himself ; and a proportion of profit to each trade should be the biasing and leading policy of this nation .
3 Thank you for sending me details of the forthcoming publication , ‘ How to write a will and gain probate ’ .
4 Shadow Education Secretary , Jack Straw has accused Cabinet Ministers of hypocrisy for sending their children to private schools .
5 The authorities said that Hong Song-dam was not imprisoned merely for sending his paintings to North Korea and books to Koreans in Germany , but because his paintings and contributions to a magazine Art Movement were aimed at promoting a Marxist-Leninist revolution .
6 Once she told me about sending her kids to boarding school and asked me what I thought .
7 Guinness Today is sure that all Tony 's lifelong friends and colleagues in the industry will join in sending their sympathies to his widow Jean .
8 They also have difficulties in sending their children to school because they do not have the correct papers .
9 The crime bill was opposed largely because it sought to enact a five-day waiting period for the purchase of handguns , while the education legislation , which aimed at upgrading the country 's schools , was opposed by Republicans following a congressional decision to remove an administration proposal to provide government vouchers to assist parents in sending their children to private schools .
10 I am sure that the House will join me in sending our condolences to his widow and children .
11 Louis and Charles conceded a tactful point to Lothar by sending their envoys to him at Thionville , but on the main issue they had their way .
12 Doctors protect themselves against even the remote possibility of failing to spot a disease and being sued for it by sending their patients for every test in the book .
13 for changes which are rejected , but do not require resolution by the Director , Information Systems , inform the Development Manager and the Manager of the person who requested the change of the decision by sending them copies of the Change Review Forms
14 According to Mancini , it was Hastings who stirred up Gloucester against the Woodvilles by sending him letters in which he stressed the pretensions of the queen 's family .
15 According to Mancini , it was Hastings who stirred up Gloucester against the Woodvilles by sending him letters in which he stressed the pretensions of the queen 's family .
16 During these same months , Henry was also pursuing an alternative strategy to obtain the annulment by sending his agents to rifle through archives in England and on the continent in the hope of uncovering precedents to support his claim that the pope had no right of judgment over his marriage .
17 On high ground , at a customary safe distance from the action , the British general Lord Raglan is directing troop movements by sending his orders by messengers on horseback .
18 10 years later the Americans helped the British war effort by sending us tractors like the yellow Minneapolis Mowline and the green Oliver 90 .
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