Example sentences of "[prep] be paid for the " in BNC.

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1 In 1911 the Parliament Act was passed permitting members of the British parliament to be paid for the first time .
2 The price to be paid for the sub-licences was either agreed at that time or subsequently by letter or telex and the sub-licence was then prepared in Hong Kong and sent to the customer for signature .
3 Erm but I I was n't actually that surprised that the school er at a school asking to be paid for the tapes because erm they 've got to get their money from somewhere
4 More positively , Article 100A(4) may be seen as the price to be paid for the acceptance of a system of decision-making which may lead to the enactment of Community legislation in areas still subject to national measures .
5 The penalty to be paid for the use of a VCID is that the system is slower to accelerate .
6 Ahead of the Commission 's recommendations , the Law Society has taken steps to guarantee the competence of police station advice given by unqualified staff by producing a scheme which will provide comprehensive training for solicitor 's representatives , followed by a test which they will have to pass in order to continue to be paid for the work by the Legal Aid Board .
7 Thus the more nearly perfect a market is , the stronger is the tendency for the same price to be paid for the same thing at the same time in all parts of the market : but of course if the market is large , allowance must be made for the expense of delivering the goods to different purchasers ; each of whom must be supposed to pay in addition to the market price a special charge on account of delivery .
8 Does he agree that the price being paid by 2.5 million unemployed this Christmas is too high , and that if a price has to be paid for the economic mess that our country is in , it should be paid in full by himself and his ragbag of right hon. Friends ?
9 You are entitled to be paid for the proportion of the work that you have done and that it was reasonable for you to do .
10 I demand to be paid for the hours I put in , whether your cousin passes her exams or not ! ’
11 This represents income ( including profit ) of £11 for the mill — remember that £10 has had to be paid for the raw wool .
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