Example sentences of "[prep] be directed at the " in BNC.

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1 The forum would now use the information to ‘ press for changes in legislation to enable more money and resources to be directed at the problem , while at the same time doing all we can to enable local people to find local solutions ’ .
2 This reassurance , though commonly assumed to be directed at the British , was almost equally directed at Europe 's smaller countries .
3 A contract which requires a supplier to close a NHS ward will occasion political comment which is likely to be directed at the Health Authority at least initially .
4 The crude satire seems to be directed at the fashionable protest singers of the time , who , while singing songs against the materialistic values of American society , are worried about the receipts from their concerts .
5 Crude advertising discrimination has tended to be directed at the socialist rather than social-democratic press , thus exempting the mass-circulation , pro-Labour papers that have flourished ; … small circulation publications further to the left which have tended to be poor advertising media , judged by the commercial criterion employed by advertising agencies , have probably also suffered as a consequence of overt political discrimination .
6 Moreover , even if particular impulses are not mainly directed at pleasure , the typical ones do seem to be directed at the occurrence of certain states of ourselves , so that even if not hedonistic they are egoistic .
7 As the canvas documents , including the notification of banding , will be issued by the Finance Department I would expect all the enquiries during December 1992 to April 1993 , and probably after April 1993 , to be directed at the Finance Department .
8 But their anger appeared to be directed at the Renault rather than the Jaguar .
9 Even at the time when Dalby was taken to represent the law , it was not quite true to say that the act had to be directed at the victim , since the doctrine of transferred malice applies .
10 In Pagett ( 1983 ) 76 Cr App R 279 ( CA ) , where a girl was used as a shield by the accused ( see Chapter 2 ) , the court did not deal with the point that under Dalby the act had to be directed at the victim .
11 It seems to be directed at the SIB 's use of the term " indirect customer " ( which applies even where the intermediary is the customer ) and not SFA 's ( which does not ) .
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