Example sentences of "[prep] just [art] [adj] weeks " in BNC.

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1 REPAIRS have been carried out to a 40ft long roof of a village canoe store which blew off after just a few weeks in place .
2 The completed portraits now hang in the Quaderia dell'Ospedale Maggiore , and can be seen on occasions , for just a few weeks every other year as a rule .
3 One thing which will prove very disconcerting for a young puppy is to be left on its own in kennels after being in a home for just a few weeks .
4 Big undertakings like Sheffield and Worth only required twenty or thirty men each , and of course for just a few weeks at a time .
5 He made me forget everything — even that he belongs to someone else — that he 's going to be married in just a few weeks .
6 Letters have been flooding in from viewers desperate to see the Spanish soap from the axe in just a few weeks .
7 He was reckoned one of the islands ' best fishing guides , a man who could name his own price to the rich northerners who came to the blue waters to kill gamefish , but Bonefish believed that his family might stray from the path of righteousness if he spent too much time away from home so he restricted his guide work to just a few weeks of the year .
8 This is due to the fact that we are no longer told to add crushed rusks to our babies ' bottles at just a few weeks old .
9 as if to mock us , Howe 's remarks preceded the release of the South Korean hostage Do Chae Sung by just a few weeks and the liberation of two French hostages by just over a month .
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