Example sentences of "support for " in BNC.

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1 In other words , support for the education policies of the church were the quid the Irish party had to give in order to obtain the quo of the bishops ' endorsement of the party as the genuine political representatives of the Irish people or nation .
2 Support for this line of approach has been found in Greeley and Rossi 's ( 1966 ) survey in the USA on the effectiveness of catholic schools .
3 Thus because there are stomach muscles which operate vertically , diagonally and horizontally , complex bending and twisting movements are possible , and support for the vital abdominal organs is provided .
4 ( Tel : 071–454 0454 ) Support for mentally handicapped people and their families , through local branches .
5 Advice lines 2–4.30 pm weekdays ) Information Unit offers support for people in mental distress and their families .
6 Social security — support for low income families
8 Support for low income families .
9 Support for Carers of Afro-Caribbean Elderly People
10 There is growing , matter-of-fact , support for the proposition that significantly greater public investment in schools and colleges , in roads , railways and on the environment would be money productively spent , and that it is only the damaging and doctrinaire intransigence of Mrs Thatcher which obstructs such expenditure .
11 But he dreamed of a free Namibia , and asked the conference to send Swapo a message of solidarity and support for a massive victory in a free Namibian election .
12 He said that support for the opposition was growing , but many were still afraid — not surprisingly , as opposition leaders have already had officially-inspired warnings that , when the weekend 's official jubilation is over , there could be a new clampdown .
13 In making his diplomatic push , Mr Bush agreed to continue US support for Unita , which has been receiving a covert aid programme of between $40-$50m ( £25-£30m ) a year .
14 Write a letter stating your objections or support for the application and send a copy to every member as well as the chief planning officer .
15 That comment under-estimates the growing interest which shareholders are beginning to take in the wider responsibilities of the companies they invest in ( eg , support for arts , education , health , environment or indeed anything which contributes to an increase in the quality of life ) , and its cynicism can only alienate the executives whose involvement in their companies ' patronage we so badly need to encourage and applaud .
16 The council , applicant and any interested parties are invited to write to the inspector giving their objections or support for the proposed development .
17 Support for him is slowly growing among influential Tories .
18 Support for the Alliance was weaker amongst readers of the tabloids than readers of the quality press : all perhaps as expected .
19 Support for the strike was virtually solid not only in old militant areas such as South Wales , Scotland , Yorkshire , and Kent , but also ( at first ) in traditionally moderate Lancashire , Durham , and Northumberland .
20 The company is famous for its generosity and support for charitable causes , as indeed are its employees who have record of practical help to charities that is second to none .
21 Support for the Association 's work continues to come forward and the Association is increasingly benefiting from working with other organisations on mutually beneficial projects with the Association often achieving both publicity and financial assistance .
22 Her invocation of themes and support for many policies favoured by the party 's grass-roots supporters has made the party more radical .
23 Increases in spending , grants , and support for anti-racist , pro-Sinn Fein , and pro-gay-lesbian policies enraged right-wing Conservatives and the tabloid press .
24 For example , between 1966 and 1983 support for abolition of the death penalty increased from 18 to 37 per cent ( support for its retention or restoration fell from 82 to 63 per cent ) .
25 For example , between 1966 and 1983 support for abolition of the death penalty increased from 18 to 37 per cent ( support for its retention or restoration fell from 82 to 63 per cent ) .
26 Thus , despite widespread support for a National Government , there was little idea of how such a government might be brought about ; and little support for it among those who really mattered .
27 Support for this idea comes from the following observations .
28 On behalf of all local authority caterers , I thank Joe Hyam for his kind words and support for the local authority caterers .
29 They provide stimulating surroundings for the underfives and support for their parents .
30 Support for consulting dioceses came from the Bishop of Stepney , the Right Rev James Thompson , who said women priests would be an ‘ enrichment to the Church ’ .
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