Example sentences of "support for " in BNC.

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31 Mrs Chamorro appealed for close international scrutiny and support for the electoral process , and for observers to be sent to Nicaragua from unions and professional groups , as well as the UN and the OAS .
32 Support for bill to outlaw hackers .
33 Support for students will rise by £134 million in the next three years , allowing for an increase of 6,000 students next year and 8,000 in 1991-92 .
34 Our immediate response must be the development of a global monitoring system , including coastal gauges and satellites ; support for global ocean and atmosphere studies ; and initial analyses of local vulnerability .
35 But fluent readers were sometimes under-challenged and support for poor readers not always adequate .
36 Support for the Greens may have shrunk but it was still at the same level as the Liberal Democrats ’ , the third party in Parliament , so perhaps Ms Cooke was unduly downcast .
37 As Mr Michael Dukakis found to his cost in 1988 , voters equate opposition to the death penalty with being soft on crime , support for it with being tough .
38 Mr Abdul Halim Arshat , the secretary-general of Malaysia 's leading Islamic political party , has claimed that ‘ support for Iraq is necessary as the real motive of the US is to kill off the Muslims in Baghdad and to destroy the city . ’
39 Support for the war has been strong .
40 Support for a round table is also building among Mr Gorbachev 's men .
41 Whether tax was covered by the review or not , there were still decisions to be taken on such fundamental issues as the future of the pensions system , support for low-income families , and the special payments system which was breaking down .
42 The argument that Labour should not organise in Northern Ireland because there would be little support for it is particularly unprincipled .
43 In January 1937 it patched together a new ‘ united front ’ campaign in association with the ILP , the Communists , the Left Book Club and Tribune , around a programme of defence for the Spanish Republic , opposition to rearmament by the National government , support for the struggles of the unemployed and the affiliation of the Communist Party and the ILP to the Labour Party .
44 Support for the Republican government was widespread throughout all the social classes and across the political spectrum .
45 However , support for the Unionist Party was neither total nor uncritical .
46 The undertaking of the welfare of illegitimate children of soldiers who had been killed , the organization of accommodation and support for those evacuated from the western borders of the Reich already in autumn 1939 , or the administration of packages to be sent to relatives at the Front , were all tasks which fell to the Nazi welfare organization , the NSV .
47 For the committed exponents of Nazi rule , Hitler 's public statements on the destruction of the Jews provided sanction and legitimation for their own ‘ private initiatives ’ taken against Jews , backing and support for their own involvement in the escalating criminality of the regime .
48 Nationally , although Gallup figures show that more women than men are intending to vote for Mr Ashdown 's party , support for the Liberal Democrat leader himself is equally divided between the sexes .
49 Had the recession been staved off for longer , support for the Scottish Nationalists — now at 31 p.c. in the polls and only seven points behind Labour — might not have been as strong .
50 Labour believes it can still secure a clear breakthrough over the next three days and plans to concentrate on its key themes : support for the public services , particularly the NHS , and measures to pull the economy out of recession .
51 Nor is it clear that support for proportional representation would win votes : in the ITN exit poll , 52 per cent said they preferred the present system , including 45 per cent of those who voted Labour .
52 The Government concedes that subsidies for loss-making services must be maintained , but support for a radical change in the way the railways are run and financed has come from several large private companies , including Richard Branson 's Virgin Group , which is drawing up plans to run trains on key InterCity routes .
53 The union affirmed its opposition to 100 per cent coursework and support for a 20 to 70 per cent limit .
54 Thus during the autumn of 1938 , support for the District by the two new resident tutors in Essex and Norfolk was assured and known to both the Cambridge Board and to the WEA .
55 The Secretary of the Federation , C. G. A. Watts complained bitterly to Jacques about the recent decline in the provision of , and support for , liberal adult education courses in the county .
56 Support for the family 's own pedagogical tasks remains the avowed cornerstone of the Act .
59 There also seems to be a parallel development towards smaller scale residential provisions ( see Colton , 1988 ) , coupled with similar calls for improved training and more adequate supervision and support for care workers , and the provision of after care .
60 Support for the aged warrior extended as far north as Angouleme and seemed to present a serious threat to Frankish rule in Aquitaine .
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