Example sentences of "[prep] [art] police [coord] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He began to wonder if he aught to ring for the police but no one else seemed to be in the slightest bit worried .
2 I remind the hon. Gentleman that this year I secured not only a good standard spending assessment for the police but an urban crime fund for the Northumbrian police of £3.66 million .
3 Dean Martin , Sammy Cahn and Tony tried to calm her down while Sinatra reached for his car radio and called for the police and an ambulance .
4 We had to wait for the police and the doctor to certify what had happened .
5 ‘ The real problem to be tackled is inadequate powers for the police and the public being messed about by the court system , as well as an escalation of the number of people who think they can get away with crime , ’ said Mr Marwick .
6 Unlike other rules , such as rules of dress or of grammar , laws can always be enforced by law enforcement agencies such as the police and the courts in the last resort .
7 1986a ) demonstrates that male users are more likely to be known than female users , especially to legal agencies such as the police and the probation service .
8 Instead , where disorder has occurred , it has more often been between the police and a faction or factions within the demonstration itself .
9 It is in this general climate that community policing has been reintroduced in recent years in many forces in Great Britain with the expressed intention of improving both crime prevention and relations between the police and the community ( cf. Gordon 1987 ) .
10 It has been loosely referred to as any mode of policing other than the rapid-response crime control type ; an alternative which specifically seeks to make constables part of the community by making them responsible for a geographical area , known as ‘ permanent ’ or ‘ home ’ beats ; a means of developing communication between the police and the local community ; and a process by which responsibility for crime control and prevention is shared with the community , both also known as ‘ community relations ’ ( Weatheritt 1983 : 4–5 ) .
11 The societal divisions and problems of relations between the police and the community which this style of policing is called upon to ameliorate in Northern Ireland are more severe than is normally the case , which makes the RUC 's implementation and operation of community policing of special interest and previous neglect of this aspect of policing in the province a significant oversight .
12 One of the problems Brown and Iles discovered in their study of community constables ( what , in the RUC , would be called neighbourhood constables ) , which was based on 300 officers in five police forces in England , was the relatively small proportion of working time devoted to activities the primary purpose of which was improvement in relations between the police and the public through direct involvement of constables in the community ( Brown and Iles 1985 : 29 ) .
13 Societal divisions are such that neighbourhood patrols are dangerous and have to take on the appearance of armed convoys , but it is the style of policing which comes nearest to breaching the divide between the police and the community , so that the RUC is required to be persistent in utilizing it even though there are few obvious signs of success and despite the cost in human life .
14 The time spent getting to know other Berlin servicemen away from the more common disciplined environment is good for both sides , and helps to generate a good relationship between the police and the military community .
15 The inquiry , due to be completed at the end of next month , has resulted in serious tension between the police and the Ulster Defence Regiment .
16 The outcome is a power which transforms the nature of the relationship between the police and the public .
17 The PSI report is the most detailed study of a British police force yet produced , and Section Four of the report , entitled ‘ The police and people in London ’ , examines the relationship between the police and the public in some depth .
18 It was important in that it signified the gulf between the police and the policed .
19 The fact that it was used for his or another 's use could be established by questions and answers between the police and the defendant .
20 ‘ La guerre des flics is alive and well , ’ Roquelaure confirmed , referring to the notorious rivalry between the police and the security organisations , including the gendarmerie , which came under the Ministry of Defence .
21 Whatever understanding there might have been between the police and the BUF ended at this remark .
22 In Cable Street itself , the main battle took place between the police and the anti-Mosley faction .
23 Underlying the German criminal process is a principle of mutual trust between the police and the prosecutor .
24 The unhealthy relationship between the police and the Afro-Caribbean population has its roots both in white racism towards blacks and the historically high crime rates in black areas .
25 The objectives of these committees are to facilitate an exchange of views between the police and the wider community on issues of local concern ; to help resolve conflict between the police and dissenting sections of the community ; to encourage self-help and crime prevention activities ; and to educate or inform the public regarding everyday police matters ( Morgan , 1989 ) .
26 One major lesson drawn from the 1981 riots in Britain by the authorities was that this style of policing had led to a growing gulf between the police and the communities in which it worked .
27 Traditionally , the connection between the police and the party in power locally has been very close , and the susceptibility of the former to the wishes of the latter has been much greater than in Britain .
28 The police is still seen as the first line of defence , but in recent years there has been increased co-operation between the police and the military , as in the joint exercises conducted at Heathrow in preparation for possible terrorist incidents .
29 Does he agree that not only do those excellent schemes make a positive contribution towards crime prevention , but they build bridges between the police and the community ?
30 As my hon. Friend says , the schemes are valuable in building bridges between the police and the community .
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