Example sentences of "[prep] [art] police the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In this respect too , the court is exercising its power of review , by identifying more closely for the police the questions that they must ask themselves in deciding whether or not they are entitled to take preventive action .
2 On the second day of the trail the trial rather the prosecution said that in interviews with the police the pair had demonstrated a fluent capacity to tell lies .
3 After consultation with the police the council is asking people to gather on the Boulevard and the nearby Gloucester Street car park , at the rear of the library , which has been reserved for them .
4 Once a call has come through from the police the team initiates a ‘ cascade call ’ system where say , one person is responsible for telephoning six other team members .
5 In Stunt v. Bolton a man refused to hand over to the police the keys of a car which was causing an obstruction of the highway .
6 She got home to Kington Square at last , still grubby , very hungry , quite dispirited and having had to hand over to the police the document which had cost her an unreasonable amount of suffering .
7 ‘ Some people kept little trees in secret courtyards , and flowers in their houses , but they were n't supposed to , and if their neighbours reported them to the police the people would have their trees chopped down and the flowers taken away and they would be fined or put in prison , where they had to work very hard , rubbing out writing on bits of paper so they could be used again . ’
8 If I take it to the police the matter will be dealt with much sooner than if we leave it where it is and wait for them to call here .
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